Pancakes- Starco

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It was a beautiful, bright, and peaceful morning in Echo Creek.  The sun was shining brightly, just barely peeking through a set of baby blue curtains hanging in a window in the Diaz household. A soft aggravated sigh erupted as the owner of the room pulled up her blankets over her head trying to ignore the bright sunlight.  Star hated waking up this early. Nobody else in the house was ever up at this time. She sighed again before throwing the blanket off of her and jumping out of bed. She walked over to her mirror, stretching her arms over her head with a small yawn. She looks at her reflection as she grabs a brush from the desk sitting near the mirror. She begins to brush through her knotted blonde hair. She looks through her closet before picking out a dress and grabbing her horned headband from her table. She puts on the dress then delicately places on the headband on her head holding back most of her bright yellow hair except for her two large bangs that stuck out of the front. She smiles at her reflection before skipping down the stairs humming softly buy happily. As she got to the last step she glanced into the kitchen and saw Marco sitting at the table. She walked in with a large happy smile as she sat down next to her friend. He smiled at her with a slight tilt of his head. She felt her cheeks heat up a little and returned his friendly smile. The two sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, just enjoying each other's company.  Star looked over at the clock seeing they still had two hours before school would be starting and she sighed as she looked at Marco. He nodded as he got up from his seat. 

"well we have about two hours before school about I make the both of us some breakfast!" he asks as he walks over to grab a pan from the cupboard. 

"Sounds great!" star chirped excitedly as she  stood up from her own spot and walked over to him. "watcha making?" Marco smirked as he grabs Star shoulder and lightly pushes her out of the kitchen.

"that's a surprise. It'll be ready in no time at all!" He walks back into the kitchen.  Star smiles with a shake of her head and she walks into the living room and she sits on the couch. After about 30 minutes Marco walked out of the kitchen with two plates in his hand. Star looked up excitedly as he handed her a large plate of fluffy chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. She could harldy contain the excited squeal that left her mouth. 

"awwww Marco!" He chuckled at her excitemnt and sat down next to her with his plate in his hands. The two began to eat as they watched TV, just trying to watse time before school. After a couple minutes Marco looked over at Star to she her fixated on the TV. He chuckled when he notcied the whipped cream that had made its way to her cheek. She hadenet noctied it just yet and he smiled. He aletered her to it and she giggled as she wiped it off with her hand and gave him a grateful smile. He felt heat rise to his cheeks after a moment as he took in her smile. He had devopled a crush on his blonde haired friend a long time ago and he had been trying to figure out how to make his move. He wanted it to feel speacial and this felt like the right time. He put down his now emtpy plate and he tunred his body to face Star's completey. She nocited the movment and did the same placing down her half eaten pancakes. He stumbled on his words not sure how to start. "you ok Marco?" she saked with a hint of concern. he quickly nodded and took a deep breath. 

"Star...I need to tell you something" he said as he looked into her eyes. She nodded with a gentle look in her eyes.

"Of course. whats up?" he took another deep breath before grabbing her hands in his gently. 

"Star, I....I" he sighed gently, "Star I have a crush on you." he looked down after he finally formed the sentance. "and I know you like Oskar but I....I coudnt just not tell you how I felt." He looked back up at her but to his suprise, Star was smiling. She squeeezed his hands gently.

"Marco, I have a crush on you too." she spoke gently before quickly tackling Marco into a hug. Marco was in a shock for a moment before he quickly hugged back. After a long moment they broke apart with large smiles and faint blushes on thier faces. they spent the rest of ther morining cuddling on the couch waiting till they'd have to get ready for school. 

A/N: Characters are not owned by me they are owned by Daron Leah Nefcy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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