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Sorry but if a guy EVER abused me I would NEVER stay no matter how poor or how much I loved him. I DONT CARE THATS DISGUSTING, like I know girls be like "But I love him I can't!1!1!" Like I would just tell him to go like jump off a cliff because if he abuses you then like I feel like he literally deserves to die. It's just disgusts me so much and like how do girls stay with the guy like ew I can't.
And this is MY OPINION so don't tell me "hE DoESn'T DEseRVe tO diE NObodY dOEs!1!1!" Well this is my option I think her should literally get a death penalty but I take this shit very seriously and I'm doing this rant because I was just reading a Fan fiction and Ed abused taylor so badly that she lost her baby and she almost died AND she had like 82962 operations and she literally is just like "it's okay I forgive you babe!1!" And they didn't even talk like wth. Taylor I'm sure would never do that because she respects herself and the people around her, if you don't leave him, your just teaching younger girls that it is OKAY. It is no way in bloody hell okay.


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