chapter 6

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chapter 6

Adrianna's POV

Me and niall ended up just watching Taken 2.The rest of the boys couldn't make it. 

"OMG that was a good movie!"   I went over to my blu ray and put another movie in. I walked back over to the couch where niall is sitting. I sat down next to niall.

"im knackered."  i said while yawning. i put by head on niall's shoulder. then i felt my eyes start to droop. I fell asleep.


I woke up on the couch. I woke up to niall sleeping. Aww he looks soo adorable! I heard his slight snoring. i smiled to myself. I tiptoed to the kitchen making sure i wont wake niall up. I got the pancake mix and got out a pan. I put it on the burner waiting for it to get hot while i was stirring the mix.

Once i was done cooking i put the pancakes on a plate for niall. Then i went to the fridge to get syrup. When i looked back at the pancakes they werent there.  I went to look for NIall still holding the syrup in my hands. I found him watching tv eating all the pancakes.

"Morning love, Thank you for cooking me breakfast." he said that while his mouth was still full trying to smirk.

"oh you will pay for this." I said smirking back. I made him come with me to the kitchen. Then i poured the syrup on his hair.

"HEY!" he said while getting some eggs. I began to run away with him chasing me.once he cought me he cracked a egg on me.

"oh my god niall! Do u know how long it took to do my hair?"

"Not that long according too how messy your hair is. "

"Well you poured egg yolk on me dip shit."

I grabbed the flour chasng him around the house. Then tripped taking us both down. i noticed i was on top of him "ow" i said

" Adrianna are you ok?!" he said with a worried look on his face turning me around so now he's on top of me.

"NO Now that ur on top of me!" he smirked " I know you love it really. " I blushed because he was right. I wish i could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this or put this day back on replay and keep reliving it. i

"awww is Adrianna blushing?" he said pinching my cheeks. we stayed like this lost in each others eyes. I love his eyes. I love how they are blue with a hint of green in the middle. All of a sudden he started leaning down until i stopped him.

" Sorry um I can't do this" i said getting up

" I'm so sorry adrianna! I didnt mean to."

" YOu should leave now." i said to him


NIall's POV

I watched her go up the stairs. What have I done. Stupid niall she doesnt like you that way. She is just ur friend.

I think im falling Adrinna

Adrianna POV

I went in my room and slammed the door shut. I walked to my bed and layed down. I look at the ceiling. We are just friends. He is like my brother right? I dont know what to think anymore. I mean he is fit and nice and stuff.

Am i falling for Niall Horan?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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