Interview #4 @KaylaSilverOfficial

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QUESTION 1. "What is your name ( or nickname/pen-name if preferred)?"
- My nickname is Kayla.

QUESTION 2."How did you discover your path to writing?"
- I discovered my path to writing by reading other author's books and got inspired by them to write my own, and I like to vent out my thoughts and dreams so writing is how I do it.

QUESTION 3."When did you write your first book and how old were you?"
- My first book was at the age of Twelve. Not published on Wattpad, lol.

QUESTION 4."What genre do your write and why? If there are more than one, how do you balance your creativity for both?"
- I mostly write Science Fiction because I love astronomy and I like thinking about things out of this world.

I also write Fantasy because I like mythical things and writing about a reality where people are more extraordinary and have gifts that can't be explained.

Fantasy and Science Fiction are both similar genres to me in a way so I naturally have a lot of thoughts for both so I never run out of ideas.

QUESTION 5."Why do you write and what keeps you motivated?"
- I write whatever comes to mind. My dreams, other authors, and prompts that I read keeps me motivated as well as my readers. I write to escape reality.

QUESTION 6."How do you think you have evolved as a writer?"
- I think I have evolved as a writer because I used to be one of those cliché readers that wanted to write some but now but now I do my own thing, and I have better grammar skills. XD

QUESTION 7."Who are some of your favorite books on and off Wattpad?"
- My favourite book on Wattpad is 'Annalise' by @Colonnicole.

- My favourite book off of Wattpad is 'The house of night series' by P.C.Cast.

QUESTION 8."What are the upsides and downsides about being an author on Wattpad?"
- Upsides: The ups are people supporting you book and telling you that they liked it.

- Downsides: The downsides are the haters who want you to change things about your book.

QUESTION 9."What is your schedule for writing or is it motivated by your fans? If so what do your fans mean to you?"
- My schedule for writing is sometimes motivated by fans, but I mostly update whenever I'm ready to update. If I don't have to motivation to write one story I got to one of my other stories. If I don't have any motivation to write at all, I take a break and read other author's stories to feel motivated again.

QUESTION 10."What advice would you give to aspiring authors/ newcomers?"
- The advice I would give to newcomers is to do their own thing. Write what they want and don't let anyone put them down.

Request time: "Mention one of your books and why should someone read them."

'The Zodiac Series Aries'

I think people should read it because people always let certain labels define them, and this story is about finding one's self and discovering that they're are more than just a label and who people think they are.

I think people should read it because people always let certain labels define them, and this story is about finding one's self and discovering that they're are more than just a label and who people think they are

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