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Chrono: I guess this is the place.

(then Chrono, Kazuma and Taiyou came infront of the mansion which says AOD)

Kazuma: So, how do we get in?

Tokoha: Chrono? You're here as well?

(then they saw Tokoka, Kumi, Satoru and Jaime)

Chrono: Tokoha? Don't tell me...

Tokoha: Yeah, it's leads me to here.

Shion: I guess we're under one roof.

(then they saw Shion, Henri and Rin)

Taiyou: Shion-san? You as well?

Shion: Yeah, it's like this...

Henri: There was the letter which shows a map.

Kumi: Like this?

(then they shows them the map which leads to AOD)

Rin: Whoever this weirdo sent us this map, it's got to be a prank.

(then Runmy Labyrinth arrive)

Luna: Oh, Chrono?

Chrono: Luna? You as well?

Am: Yeah, this map was given to us.

Kazuma: Man, why is she here?

Luna: Hi Kazuma.

(then Kazuma blush)

Kazuma: Anyway, let's go.

(then he tried to open the door but it's locked)

Kazuma: I guess it's locked, let's go.

Shion: There's a doorbell.

(then Shion press the doorbell and the door opens)

Satoru: I guess there's one way of entering.

Jaime: OK! Let's go!

(then they enters the mansion and they saw three couches with a coffee table and a cupboard which has miniature robots known as Gundam)

Kumi: WOW! It's huge.

Rin: Ok, when I said that he's a werido, I take that back.

Henri: But, whoever he is... he's got a good collection.

Tokoha: So, Chrono, what do we do?

Chrono: I've no idea.

(then they saw a letter and Chrono reads it)

Chrono: Welcome to my Ask or Dare Manison, ignore my Gundam Collection, it's just a hobby. And Hashima Rin, thank you for calling me a werido.

Rin: He can hear us?

Taiyou: Yeah, he must have know our name.

(then another letter appears and Taiyou reads it)

Taiyou: Of course, I watched your anime. He's a fan?

Satoru: So that's Gundam.

(then he notice the HG Strike Freedom Gundam)

Taiyou: So, what now?

Chrono: I guess, we'll follow what he says.

(then another letter came out)

Tokoha: I'll get it.

(then Tokoha reads the letter)

Tokoha: We'll get either an ask or a dare or both from the readers and will get special guest in some chapters which are my original characters, this is just the beginning, so, in my stead, I'll leave it all to you. From, Kaikun47.

Kazuma: That's it?

Tokoha: I think so.

Chrono: OK, so please leave a comment on what you want to ask or a dare, please don't be shy.

Tokoha: Yeah, so, we'll see you in the next part. Bye.

(then Tokoha leans on Chrono's shoulder)

Chrono: Tokoha.

(then everybody else giggle at them)

Kumi: Oh my! You two look cute together!

(then Chrono and Tokoha blush)

Chrono and Tokoha: No, we do not!

Hi, this is Kaikun47, this is my first time doing an ask or dare book, so if you have any ask or dares for the cardfighters, please do leave a comment, don't be shy. And stay turn for the next part.

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