I am not his lap dog

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Alana's POV- 

(Every time there is no name that indicates someone's POV it will be Alana's. Just a reminder because of the previous chapter.)

I walked up to the new cell that held the female wolf. I looked through the glass and met her glare with one of my own. If I hadn't wanted the information that I knew she was withholding from us, I would have her executed at the same moment I found out she swiped at Carrick. Nobody hurt my mate, no matter what.

The glass slid to the side and metal bars sunk down where the glass had been. She was at the door in a flash and stuck her hand out. I moved back when I saw that her claws were extended. 

"What, now that the Alpha can't get the answers himself, he sends his little mate to fetch them for him?" she sneered and I growled at the disrespect.

"I am not his lap dog. Now, tell me the information you have. Depending on if we can work with the information you won't get executed tomorrow. I know you have a son in Alpha John's pack. I have seen you with him when he was born. Is that the leverage he has over you to make you do his dirty work?" I looked at her sharply and she exhaled, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Alpha John is corrupt. He doesn't want to share his power with his son and he executes anybody who goes against him in any way. In our pack, we have started to form a rebellion. I am part of the said rebellion. I just want my son to be safe." She looked at the ground and tears streamed down her face.

"The Alpha's son is the leader of the rebellion. But he cannot take his father on alone with only us. We are about fifty people. That day at the clearing when we attacked you, was staged. I was sent here from the rebellion to come and speak with you and only you. I knew that if I hurt your mate, you would come and want to speak with me personally."

"Well, it worked." I spun around at Carrick's words. He was standing in a dark corner of the prison and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he walked over to us. 

"I told you that you are not allowed to come down here. Then I try to go and find you and get a message from one of the guards saying that you are here. You purposely defied me, Alana." he had closed the distance and we were standing chest to chest, glaring at each other.

The female behind us cleared her throat. "I don't mean to interrupt but if you would like for me to finish telling you the information, the Alpha must leave. You can share it with him later but my mission was to only tell you. They are expecting me back already." 

Carrick sighed and stepped back. "You have half an hour," he said and disappeared into an office that was located at the end of the corridor.

I turned back to the female and she gave me a sympathetic smile. "I know how they get. Dominant until you want to tear their heads off."

"Right, you said you have more to share." The next half hour the female, whose name I found out was Lacey, let me in on the secret of the rebellion. They were getting close to having enough people to take over the pack, but it would be helpful if our pack could help. I told her we would and she smiled. 

Faithful to his word, half an hour later, Carrick stepped out of the office. He strode down the corridor and came to stand next to me. Lacey moved back in her cell and the bars were once again replaced with the glass. 

I started walking outside and knew Carrick was following me. I didn't speak to him and could feel the anger and remorse cooking inside of him. I walked into the kitchen of or house and started to prepare dinner. He helped me and we cooked in silence. Once we were seated, he spoke up.

"What I said earlier was not meant seriously. You know I would never let anybody else but you touch me, Alana. I was just getting really angry and let it out on you." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Whatever Carrick. I do not want to discuss this at the moment. I want you to not have Lacey executed. She had given us valid information on Alpha John and is risking her life and the life of her pup. If you execute her the plan of killing him and making sure his son is the new Alpha will fail." I cut into my food and put a piece of potato in my mouth.

"Fine, the execution is off. Now, will you tell me what she said?" I nodded and kept my tone professional. I was still upset about what he had said earlier and planned to sleep in one of our guest rooms tonight, but bringing down Alpha John was the top priority at the moment.

Once I finished telling him the plan, Carrick nodded in approval. "It is a well-executed plan. Now we just need to think about how we are going to bring that sick bastard down and get his son the position of the Alpha. The Luna of that pack is loyal to Alpha John. We have to make sure that she is killed too."

Carrick's eyes glazed over and I knew he was mind-linking someone. I waited and finished my food. I stood and started to carry out the plates when my stomach bounced. I quickly set the plates down and sat down on one of the bar stools. 

Carrick came in, carrying the last items that were on the table. He saw me sitting and rushed over to me. "Alana, is everything okay?"

I wordlessly grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. "Is something wrong with the baby?" he asked worried but I didn't answer. Then the baby kicked and I watched Carrick's reaction. His face lit up and he smiled at me. 

Even though I was still upset at him, I returned the smile and rested my head against his chest. He did the kitchen and I sat on the couch of the living room. When he joined me, he placed his hand on my slowly swelling stomach. 

I was four months along and looked like a normal human would in her sixth month of pregnancy. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the cushions of the couch. Carrick sighed and I felt him get up. 

"Where are you going?" I asked and he looked at me sadly. 

"I don't want to burden you with my presence at the moment. I'll be in my office." I sighed when he left and sat on the couch for a few more minutes before heading upstairs.  

I got changed and headed into one of the guest bedrooms. I couldn't sleep and was up for hours. I heard Carrick come upstairs and check if I was in our bedroom. I heard him get undressed and lay down in our bed with a loud sigh. Soon, exhaustion overtook me and I drifted off to sleep.

It was a restless sleep. I woke up sometime past two in the morning from the same bad dream I'd had the night before. I groaned and got up. I headed to the bathroom and after I finished my business, I headed to our bedroom. 

Carrick was lying in bed. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or if he was awake. I quietly walked around the bed and laid down next to him. He was still awake.

"Can't sleep, love?" he asked and turned to face me.

"No, it was a nightmare." He sighed and pulled me into his arms. I let him. The anger that I had felt earlier was gone and replaced by comfort and love. I poured my emotions into the bond and Carrick gently kissed my neck.

"I am truly sorry, Alana. It won't happen again." I nodded and managed to find his mouth in the dark. I kissed him and then curled closer to him. Well, as much as I could, considering I looked like I swallowed a watermelon. 

"I forgive you, Carrick. My love for you is stronger than my anger could ever be. I love you." He wrapped his arms around me tighter and his hands were resting on my stomach.

"I love you too, mate. Now try to sleep some more before I find a way to make you sleepy." I giggled at his empty threat and soon enough I drifted off to sleep, Carrick's warm breath fanning the back of my neck.

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