A Cry For Help

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Jeff wakes up in Offenderman's arms, who is still asleep. He needs to leave as quickly as possible. It's dangerous to stay here like this. He grabs his clothes and heads for the main door. He unlocks the door and quietly opens it, before sprinting as fast as he can into the forest, trying to make sense of where he is in the forest.

Jeff pants like crazy and his heart is pounding from the escape. Right as he stops to catch his breath, he senses a presence. Slenderman appears behind him. Jeff screams «GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU SICK FUCK!», before he turns around and faces the confused-looking creature. «Jeff, what are you talking about?», Slenderman asks. «Slender! You have to save me! Take me with you to the mansion!», Jeff shouts. «Oh? Did you change your mind about not needing my protection? Can't Jeff, the infamous serial killer, look out for himself anymore so he comes back begging for my help? What happened to you anyway? I was out killing, but then I saw you. You've never been in this part of the woods before...», Slenderman says. «I-, Slender, please just get me out of here and I'll explain later, I am desperate!», Jeff explains, still panicking. Slenderman sighs and grabs the boy, before teleporting him back to the mansion with him.

Jeff had not been at the mansion in months. After a heated argument with Slenderman, Jeff overreacted and said that he would be better off living in an abandoned cabin all alone in the forest. They had not spoken to each other after that, until today. Jeff felt a little relieved that he was saved from Offenderman, but nervous to see how everyone would react to him coming back to the mansion.

«Come in, Jeffrey», Slenderman said in a resigned tone as he opened the main doors. Jeff hesitantly walked in and looked around. He remembers the place as if he never left. Nothing seemed to have changed. Slender followed him to the main living-room where most of the proxies were. As soon as they saw Jeff walk in, their mouths dropped in shock. Jeff did not know what to say, so he just said «uhm, hey...». «JEFF? WE THOUGHT YOU WERE NEVER COMING BACK!? WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!», Laughing Jack said as Ben, Eyeless Jack and a few others nodded excitedly. Jane rolled her eyes and went upstairs. «Nice to see you again too... fucking bitch», Jeff thought as Jane left. He went and sat down with the others, but Slender told him in a serious tone that he needed to have a talk with him after dinner. Jeff nodded slowly and looked down at the floor. He did not know if Slenderman would actually let him stay again after what he said to him. The other proxies asked him a ton of questions about what he had been up to, what it was like, why he decided to come back etc. Jeff did not know what to answer. He didn't want anyone to find out what happened to him in the last 48 hours. It was too humiliating. «Ehh, I just got tired of that old place, y'know», Jeff lied and shrugged his shoulders. Ben hugged him and said, «I have missed beating you in videogames, you have to play with me later». Jeff smiled at him and looked at his own pale hands. They were bruised and scratched up from fighting (or at least trying to fight) Offenderman in the forest earlier.

«Dinner's ready, everyone!», a familiar voice shouted from the kitchen. It was Natalie (Clockwork). Jeff followed the others to the dinner table and sat down next to Ben and LJ. They talked about what everyone's gonna do tonight as they finished eating. After dinner, Jeff and Ben were heading to Ben's room to play some videogames, but Slenderman grabbed Jeff's shoulder strictly and reminded him they had a meeting in his office. Slenderman followed Jeff there and pointed at a chair. Jeff sat down and so did Slenderman, behind his desk. «So, Jeffrey, tell me why I should let you stay here after how you disrespected me before you left in such a childish manner», Slenderman said as he leaned back in his chair. Jeff looked down, before saying: «I know I have acted disrespectful and like a dick, but I really need you and this place to protect me from-... uhm... someone». Jeff did not want to tell Slenderman what had happened to him, and certainly not with whom. After all, it is Slenderman's brother. What if Slender didn't believe his story? «I need to know who to protect you from, in order to be able to protect you. You understand that simple concept, right? Is it the police? Did you kill a cop?», Slender asked. Jeff sighed and hesitated, before he confessed: «It's your brother, Offenderman. He showed up while I was out in the forest trying to kill. I tried to fight him, but he took me to his place and-...», before Jeff started bawling his eyes out. He tried to hide his face from Slenderman, who looked shocked. He had never seen the boy act that vulnerable around him. «Did he torture you? Try to kill you?», Slenderman asked concerned, before slowly walking over to the boy. Slenderman leaned down and gently stroked the boy's back while Jeff said: «N-no...H-he had sex with me...», trying to stop crying. «Did you enjoy it?», Slenderman bluntly asked and stood up again. Jeff was quiet for a while and looked up at him, before shrugging. «Answer me», he said in a strict tone. Jeff looked down and nodded slowly. He did enjoy it, even if he hated himself for it. «You can stay here, but don't expect me to babysit when you go outside unless it's something actually life-threatening, which my brother is NOT. Maybe you should stop wasting my time and stop being such a little slut», Slenderman said as he pointed for Jeff to get out of his office. Jeff did exactly that, with tears still running down his cheeks. He quickly dried them off when he saw Ben walking down the hallway. «Hey, Jeff! Are you ready to get your ass beat in Mario Kart?», Ben playfully asks as he noticed Jeff standing outside Slenderman's office. Jeff smiles and joins him in his bedroom.

They play for almost an hour before Jeff yawns. «Tired already?», Ben asks. Jeff nods, he has had a rough day. «I think your old bedroom is still available», Ben says and points to the room next door to his. «Goodnight, Benny. I really missed you, dude», Jeff says and heads to his old bedroom.

Everything is just as he had left it. Empty alcohol-bottles on the floor, a ripped black shirt by his bed, and the headphones he forgot before he left. He used to blast depressive music through them when things became too much to handle. He laid down in his bed and stared at the ceiling. «I'm glad Slenderman let me come back, but how am I supposed to go on killing-sprees with a horny tentacle-monster after me?», Jeff thought to himself. Jeff put the headphones in his ears and played "Black Metal Terrorist" by Denzel Curry, before falling asleep.

When Jeff the Killer met Offenderman (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now