Chapter 1

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Harry's POV.

Sometimes I don't understand why Dumbledore makes me say here. I've told him almost every year what the Dursley's do to me, yet he keeps insisting to come back to this house. So here I am, in Dudley's second bedroom, lying down in on this rock like rectangle, also know as my bed, trying to figure out what's going on. For months now, there has just been there has black wholes in my brain, like part of my memory's where taken from me. I should probably not think about it right now though, my birthday is in about a minute. Just then, a dull ache was attached to my head, just getting more and more painful as the minutes passes by. It's probably just from the time where Vermon banged by head against the wall, so I ignored it.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was attacked my a rainfall of pain, and I screamed as loud as I could. This is bad. Really bad. Uncle Vermon definitely herd me. That was when my door banging open, with a purple faced uncle of mine. His veins  popping out and his hand closed in a tight fist.
He stomped over I swore the while house shook with every step he took. He throw me of my bed, not really helping with the burning feeling that overcame me. He than began punching and kicking me.
There goes about 3 of my bones in my rib change. He continued, until I passes out from pain and blood loss.

I woke up to a furious tapping on my window. I looked to see me lying on the floor. Memories of last night come flooding back to me. I got up and let the owl inside. "Sorry buddy, I don't really have any treats for you." I took the letter out of it's claws to see a gringots seal on it. What? At that point the owl already left, meaning that I don't  have to reply to them.

Mr. Potter
It has come to our attention that you have resently came through a creature inheritance. Please come to gringots immediately to take a inheritance test. It has also come to our attention that people have been stealing from your vaults.  Use the port key attached to this letter. The key word in gold


Wait a creature inheritance? I quickly change my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. At that point I though I had gone mental. The first thing I noticed is that I didn't need glasses anymore. My hair has grown to shoulder length and was straight. I went from 6'1 to 5'6.  I had more curves and I had  wings sprouting out for my back. They where pitch black and faded out to a silver at the ends. What surprised me to most is that I had blood red eyes, with speaks of purple and black. I would have started at myself the whole day, but I snapped out of it when I heard my uncle stopping up the stairs. I looked at the time and saw that it's was 8:30 am. I was supposed to make breakfast for them and hour ago! I herd my uncle start to undo to locks on my room and I quickly reached for the port key. Just as my uncle opened the door I was sucked it. I landed on the floor of the bank and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I quickly got up and walked over to a goblin. " Hello. I'm here to see graphok."               " Follow me please."

I entered his office and took at seat. " Nice to see you mr.potter. Let's get straight down to business shall we. Please let 4 drops of your blood on the this parchment." I quickly pocked my finger with the needle he gave me and watched my blood form words on the paper.

Fake birth certificate

Name: Harry James Potter
Mother: Lily Potter ( née evens) [dead]
Father: James Potter [dead]
Godfather(s): Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Godmother(s): N/A
Creature Inheritance: blocked

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