Chapter 5

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Draco's POV:

After we left the Riddle manor, my parents brought me to the sitting room and sat me down. I was confused. Did they have something important to tell me?

" Draco sweaty, there is a ball tomorrow that we will be attending. Tom and Serverus are holding a ball since tomorrow is the day they can see who their mate is. All pure blood families will be attending, and that sadly include to Weasley family. I believe that they do not know that Tom is the dark lord. They also don't know that him and Serverus are married and mated. I know that the Weasley's will be spying on them, so we need you to make sure nothing happens to them, alright?" Mother said.

" Okay... Wait is Blaise Pansy and Theo coming?"

" Yes they are. Now enough questions. It's late, go to bed."

" Alright mother." I answered and bit them goodnight. On the way to my room, I couldn't help but think, who is hadrians mate? Hopefully it isn't anyone that is on the light side. Once I entered my room, I took a quick shower and put on some sweat pants, leaving me shirtless. Yes I sleep shirtless, don't judge me. I went to bed, thinking of what was to come tomorrow. For some reason, I had a really good feeling that something amazing is going to happen.

A time skip has brought you to draco freaking out about what to wear-

I was in my room, trying to find something to wear for the ball. All the pureblood families where going be there, I have to be presentable and represent the Malfoy family. After endless searching, I finally stumble across the perfect outfit. It was a black suit with a sliver trimming. I had a cape that was black and tipped silver, with the inside of slytherin green. After putting it one, I went downstair to meet my parents, so we could apperate to the riddle manor for the ball. 

Harry's POV:

So far today has been tiring. My sister came into my room at five in the morning. Why? Cause apparently we haven'r found out what I was supposed to wear?! So we spent till eight finding an outfit. Then I was rushed downstairs and barley had enough time to finish my breakfast before my dad brought me to the ball room, where my sister was telling the house elves how to decorate the place. Apparently she had an eye for these kind of things. So I spent the next five hours trying to dance with my dad, until we took a break for lunch.  My father couldn't join us for the rest of the time to teach me how to dance since he had to prepare stuff for the ball, so I thought I was off the hook. Apparently not! Syreen just taught me the rest. How did she know the boy part of the dance, I have no idea! When I asked, she said she learned it because she was bored one day. Still questioning how she is a submissive over here. Finally, after two more hours, I got it down. I was about to go relax in my room, that was until mother came in and told us to go get ready for the ball.

We decided that we would get ready in my room because apparently she was getting her room changed. Why? I don't know. Also because my room has better lighting, as she said. And that is where I am right now, in my room, getting ready, Syreen was doing her hair, while I was finishing putting on my dress. Syreen's dress was a light purple ( why always purple?!) with a flower toping. she didn't really have sleeves but it had a clear cape like thing. It had a white top half with a lilac purple bottom half, the top decorated with flowers. Her hair was half up wit some of it braided to the back, being held by a white pin. She had light natural colors with a little white at the end of her eyes. She had a little manscara with eyeliner. She had a clear lipgloss, but that was about it. She isn't really a fan of make-up, but i'm not a fan of it either. He had heals, with a gold design to it. My outfit was a pastel blue with a clear white sleeves, decorated with flowers similar to Syreen's. I had simple white shoes since I couldn't walk in heels. My hair was in a fancy bun and I had no make-up on. 

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