The Love of the Sun And The Moon

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Hello guys uwu, este capítulo va a ser en inglés por culpa de mi amiko lol BEBE_Joseph por k me menciono en su capítulo ptm

Algún día me vengare 😎👌

Así k aquí comienza mi idioma gringo lol

🌻- Rules lmao: most post the rules most say 13 things about yourself
3. It has to be a chapter,not comment
4. U have to tag/nominate 15 people
5. The chapter has to have a creative name

About me UWU:

1. I have 17 years old lmao

2. Zodiac: Cancer

3 Gender: im a girl (๑•ᴗ•๑)

4. Fandoms: Identity v, Persona 5 ( i really love persona 5 LOL) and karmaland (pls don't kill me, kill my friend/wife) -xd-

5. Favorite band: Queen ( in identity my name is kira_kuin xd)

6. Love: IDV Yaoi lol and ice cream uwu

7. Likes: Talk in French and Spanish lmao, drawing, sing, view identity r34, sleep uwu, view Jojo's, the cats, the Chinese food and  Mexican , view my brother angry xd. ❤

8 dislike: i hate myself lmao, the snakes, the watermelon .-., my dad, the spiders, the ambiental contamination and idk more.

9. Hate: The Sephcarl and my dad... (Just view Aesop ahegao lol)

 (Just view Aesop ahegao lol)

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10. i love when my cats play with me in the bed xd

11. I don't know more xd

12. I wanna live in Fraηcia uwu.

Estas son las personas que quiero que hagan esta pendejada XD._.

L1F3-KLNMKMAVBK   Aesop_Sopita

No pregunten por que están aquí, solo háganlo xd, ahora me voy a beber coca bai.

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