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"right kids. time for bed" Jane declared, discovering the time. The four of them had been up for hours, spending most of the day chatting with Cathy about her previous life. The others grumbled in response, but she shushed them with the promise of pancakes the next morning. "come on, we've got a big day tomorrow." Cathy furrowed her eyebrows in question.

"we've got to teach you about all the new shit in the world." Anna nudged her, grinning.

"Anna!" Aragon gasped at her use of blasphemy. "we've talked about this." Cathy giggled beside her, she already felt so comfortable with these people, like part of the family.

Jane ushered them all upstairs to their rooms, before turning to Cathy and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"now Cathy, if there's anything you need, you just come and find me okay?"

"excuse me, why didn't I get an offer like that when I was new?" Anna piped up.

"If you'll remember correctly, you disappeared the day you got here, and didn't come back till we were all already asleep." now shut up and go to sleep or there will be no pancakes for you."

Anna huffed and retreated to her room, where the sound of loud soring could be heard moments later. Cathy followed, walking into her room for the first time since earlier that day. She was now in a much more level mindset, and could appreciate the new environment without the confusion of just waking up. She walked over to the desk in the middle of the room, examining all the new supplies and devices that lay before her. Beside it stood a large bed, covered with a blue duvet and a mountain of blankets on top. Cathy immediately ran and leapt on top of them, snuggling herself into a cocoon of warmth and letting herself drift into a peaceful sleep.

Jane and Catherine made their way to their rooms, stopping just before Anne's and opening the door to find the familiar scene in front of them. Kat was snuggled up to Anne's shoulder with Anne's head resting atop her own. A half finished drawing was balanced precariously on Anne's thigh, and a forgotten strawberry lay on the end of the bed, creating a small puddle of red on the green duvet. Jane sighed from the doorway and quietly walked into the room. She placed a blanket over the sleeping girls, carefully clearing up the mess they'd made before the sketchbook threatened to fall and wake them both up. she pulled the door closed, facing Aragon and shaking her head. "what are we going to do with those two."

"I think we should sell them." She replied and Jane laughed. They continued down the silent hallway before coming to their doors.

"goodnight love." Jane said, kissing Aragon cheek and disappearing into her room.

"Oh Seymour, you will be the death of me." Catherine smiled to herself before settling down in her own bed.

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