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"That's a lot of info Pipet.. Ima go for a quick walk you know" ''Oh? Okay" Rose walked into the forest as the wolves honoured the war that took not so long ago. "Hell wants to know this information, unless he already does.." She paused once she had reached the darkness of the forest. Thorns grew around her as she gave an evil grin. "So Flower or Vine mhm? You gave me my wicked powers. Maybe you're traitors to" A loud "OW" came from the tall grass nearby. "Huh!?" Rose turned and immediately got rid of her thorns. She followed the sound to the end of the forest and saw Overcast in a small pool of blood still bleeding from his forearm. "Overcast!" She barked, running towards him as he passed out.

Overcast doesn't remember much but what he does remember is seeing Rose bandage him then he woke up in his and Bad Flower's den. Overcast looked down at his throbbing forearm. Bad Flowers voice driffed in from outside, "Why the fuck didn't I go with him?" Ocean looked in the den then at Bad Flower, "It's not your fault Bad Flower. It's his mom's fault she appeared out of nowhere" "Huh.." Overcast groaned as he turned his gaze towards them. Bad Flower looked over at Overcast excitedly, "Baby boy! You're alive! Thank Galactica!" Overcast smiled weakly. When Bad Flower looked into Overcast's eyes he saw pain. Overcast tried to get up but Bad Flower's tail on his shoulder made him stop trying. Ocean gave a sad smile. "Oh Overcast your awake. .." She walked in next to Badflower. "NOW WHO THE HELL DARE PLEDGE WAR ON FIRE AND ICE!!!!" She screamed. "SSH '' Rain said from the corner in a stern voice. "Alpha, we can't be too loud. Overcast has serious injuries and loud noises might scare him when he first wakes up." Overcast looked over at them, "I'm not scared" Badflower layed down and put his head under Overcast's neck. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay '' Ocean looked at Rain then back at Overcast. "Fine" She said lowering her head. "Just who harmed you?" she said quietly. "U.." Overcast stuttered. "I...um.....Don't remember!.. That's it." "Oh '' Ocean said. "I must go tell the pack to stay on high alert and an attack on their own could mean war with the other packs of power" "It could have been a pack, of not power. You know" Overcast suggested. "No, Those packs aren't blessed with the guardians' blessings. And those wolves are savages, '' Ocean said in a stern voice. "Yeah barbaric but they could have attacked me for food." "and left you to die? Those wolves don't kill for sport, and have brains the size of peanuts. They are killed by hunters all the time. They have no clothing, no colors but white, grey and black coats. There's no language but reading faces.." Ocean paused as Rain slipped by her with a worried face. She placed her paws on Overcast resting head. "What is it?" Bad flower asked. Rain's paws slowly felt the forehead of Overcast before speaking. "It could have just been because of blood loss or.." She said, removing her paw. "Wait what?" Badflower said, raising his head as Overcast drops. "Why can't he remember, there's a chance that there's an injury in his head" "WHAT!?" Overcast, Badflower and Ocean yelped at the same time. "But I didn't feel his bone ruptured, so it's most likely it's just because of blood loss that he cannot remember" She concluded. "Oh thank goodness, you had me worried there for a second." Badflower said sitting up. 

The Soulless Puppet |Oc Book #2|Where stories live. Discover now