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Down below Blackwind had finally reached the Underworld his wounds covered his body in blood. As he reached the throne room he saw Falconclaw covered in wounds and surrounded by fire. The dark lord himself stood above the crowd and his Mate behind Falconclaw. "Please sir.. I did n-no-not mean to h-h-hurt -your d-d-ddu-duaght-ter, for-gi-give m-me pleas-se" he whined to Scotch to make the pain stop. " STOP WITH THE LIES!! YOU NEARLY KILLED HER!! YOU ARE NO LONGER THE LEADER OF THE GUARD NOR IN THIS PACK!!! NOW GO!!!!!" He growled as Falconclaw fell to the ground, no longer able to stand. Blackwind shoved to the crowd and watched his commander fall to the flames. "Or you can be weak and die" Scorch whispered as he flew into the skies and watched the fire spread into his small circle. "Pl-please!" Falconclaw begged as the fire spread upon his body. Scotch laughed at his pain and watched the wolf burn to his death. Blackwind lowered his head as the flames went out and a corpse of an old friend lay dead. Scotch growled, "Bring me my pups!"The crowd howled with agreement as Blackwind looked up at his leader waiting to see who would be the new Leader of the Guard. 

Scorch finally spotted the pale wolf patterned with black stripes. "Ah, Blackwind '' The wolves around him stepped back, he stoods unprotected and in the wits of a wolf who may kill him with a raise of a paw. "Yes, Alpha? I've just returned from the mortal realm." Blackwind barked as he held his head straight. "Falcon claw said you died, and my mate can't quite remember." "I'm not dead sir" Blackwind replied quickly. Scorch smiled and flew over to him. "Good, I don't want my only daughter with a dead wolf" Blackwind nodded in agreement as Scorch slowly circled him. "Enough my king" Scorch turned to see his mate walking over. "We've killed the traitor, now we focus on getting our pups'' She nuzzled him. Blackwind held his head up, "What would you like me to do sir?" Scorch looked at his mate then spoke, "Go get our pups." Blackwind nodded, "Of course, sir." Scorch turned to his mate and continued, "We may be able to stop Sun and the others from getting in your way." Blackwind dipped his head as a sign of respect, "Okay, sir." Scorch's mate looked at Blackwind streanly, "Bring them unharmed...or else." Blackwind dipped his head again, "Yes, ma'am." Scorch nodded, "Do as Brightheart says or you'll be like the traitor." Blackwind and watched the two rulers turn away and walk into their castle like den.Blackwind whent to leave the underground but a white pup stopped him. "Hey!" she called. "Shut your snout and move, I'm not in the mood" Blackwind growled. "Well I am!" The pup snapped back. Blackwind looked down at the pup who showed no fear. "My name is Tsunami, and Scorch has requested I come and help you retrieve his pups." Blackwind looked at the pup with a blank face. "Yeah sure, move '' Backwind walked around Tsunami. "HEY!!"

  Blackwind looked back but she was gone. He smiled and turned back towards the way out. "HEY I'M OVER HERE!" Blackwind jumped in fear as he looked at Tsunami in front of him. "Glatica, your annoying" Blackwind hissed in annoyance. "Listen buddy, it seems to me you're not quite smart so let me say it again! THE ALPHA OF THIS PACK WANTS ME TO COME" Tsunami barked in anger. "Is that so, why do-" Blackwind quited himself as Scorch walked up toward the two. "I see you met Tsunami, she's too come with you on your mission she shows.. Promise in her future" Scorch said as he patted Tunami's head. He flicked his tail and continued to walk away, leaving Blackwind with his jaw open. Tsunami smirked as Blackwind lowered his head. "I HATE MY LIFE" he growled as he walked to the exit with the pup.

The Soulless Puppet |Oc Book #2|Where stories live. Discover now