AN: Before it starts let's take a moment to remember Queen Anne Boleyn. As today is May 19th. LONG LIVE QUEEN ANNE!!
AN2: I am changing the birth date for Anne Boleyn to 1509 and Anne of Foix-Candale death to 1510.
July 1509
One month after Henry Tudor now Henry VIII was crowned King of England, there was a commotion in Hungary. Queen Anne former Anne of Foix-Candale daughter of Infanta Catherine of Navarre gave birth. However the new princess was taken in the night by a jealous lady in waiting. King Vladislav II sent out multiple search parties. By 1510 the search parties stopped but King Vladislav and his third wife Queen Anne never stopped missing their lost daughter.
However in 1514 at the age of 5 after the death of the lady who kidnapped her, Princess Anne was found by the Boleyn family who were traveling to the Netherlands and thus became....... Anne Boleyn.
By 1516 Vladislav died leaving his son Louis II as king of Hungary. Louis continued his parents search for his sister until 1520 but he too gave up.
The Secret Life of Anne Boleyn
Исторические романыWhat if in 1536 when Anne was about to be arrested, something secret was found? What if she just so happened to be of more royal blood than Katherine of Aragon? Disclaimer: COVER AND THE TUDORS ARE NOT MINE!! TITLE INSPIRED BY THE SECRET LIFE OF A...