anti dementor lessons(edited)

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Classes had begun again and the boys were still mad at Hermione but Daisy didn't understand the situation enough to be mad at her. Right now they had just finished a defence against the dark arts lesson and Harry stayed behind to talk to proffesor Lupin.

Harry asked his teacher about his new anti dementor lessons and Lupin frowned in thought for a moment before responding.

"Ah yes how about Thursday, eight o'clock in the history of magic classroom"

Harry nodded and he left the room, Daisy and Ron were stood outside waiting for him and the three of them walked down to the great hall together, on their way the conversation had turned to professor Lupin.

"He still looks sick doesn't he?" Ron said.

"What do you think is wrong with him?"

Their was an impatient 'tuh' form behind them and the three of them turned around to be faced with Hermione.

"And what are you tutting at us for?"


"Yes you were I said what do you think is wrong with lupin and-"

Hermionie cut him off with a scoff and folded her arms over chest "Well isn't it obvious"

Daisy gave Hermionie a look, she tried to use her eyes to tell the other girl not to expose Lupin's secret. Hermionie discreetly nodded and Daisy let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"If you don't want to tell us, don't"

"Fine"she huffed and stormed off to the Great hall.

Ron glared in her direction before turning back to the brother and sister and leaning down to whisper to them.

"She doesn't really know she is just trying to get us to talk to her again" He told them, Harry nodded along with him but Daisy didn't do or say anything.

At eight o'clock, Thursday night Harry and Daisy were walking to the history of magic classroom hand in hand. Harry was really excited for his lessons and couldn't wait to learn how to defend himself from the dementors, at the moment his other friends were both busy doing homwork so neither was able to watch Daisy. He decided to just take her along with him since he was sure that Lupin wouldn't mind.

"Daisy" Harry caught his sisters attention "I want you to be very good while we are in the classroom, you cabt be messing around because me and professor Lupin need to concentrait"

"Okay Harry I promise"

He gave her a smile and kissed her head. They finally reached the classroom and walked inside to see the Lupin was not there yet. Harry leaned against a desk in the middle of the classroom and Daisy was sat on top of it.

The older twin had brought a small sketchbook with him to the room and passed it over to his sister. She took it with a small thank you along with a pencil that he had. Not long after  Harry had gotten her settled Lupin walked into the room carrying a large chest and he seemed to be struggling with it.

"Hello Harry, and I see you have brought your sister with you, hello sweetheart" Daisy looked up at her favourite professors voice and smiled brightly at him "Hi professor Lupin"

Lupin walked over to them and carefully placed down the heavy chest, he stood back up and slightly leaned against the wall behind him as he breathed heavily and faced the children.

"What is that?" Harry asked pointing to the chest.

"This, Harry, is a boggart, since we are unable to use a real dementor for obvious reasons, I have brought in a boggart that you can stand in front of and it will transform into a dementor"

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