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I blinked, why was the world tilting...? Oh. It wasn't the world. It was me.

Hinata's pov

I sat up, blinking in the bright light. Glancing at the time I saw that I still had an hour till practice started. Better begin. I got up and thus started my morning routine. After showering I slowly walked over to the sink, placing my hands on either side I looked into the mirror. Lifeless eyes stared out from a pale blank face,  my hair was dull, lacking its usual shine and bounce just like my body. I looked away and started to get dressed. After checking the time I went downstairs, everything was silent. Not a sound could be heard, it was clear that no other people had lived here for a long time.
Thats right.
I was lying to everyone, the reason why I never let other people come to the house was because of this. I had no parents. I had lost them years ago in a fiery car wreck. I still had nightmares and flashbacks about it... Shaking my head to clear those thoughts I walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard to reveal.. "Nothing" I missed having homemade meals.... I glanced at my watch and sighed "Time to go" I walked down the hall and opened the door, stepping out I took a deep breath of the cool air before locking the door and jumping on my bike to begin my long ride to school.


Third person pov

Hinata stood at the entrance of the gym, the door was closed but you could still hear the sound of people inside, He took a deep breath and slapped his cheeks before pasting a wide (fake) smile onto his lips, this was a mask he had long since perfected, he could become the sunny cheerful boy in seconds. He opened the door and yelled a greeting "Good morning!" He skipped in and grinned at everyone "morning shortie!" Noya bounced over and flung a arm around his neck. Don't touch me "Hey! don't call me shortie!" Hinata pouted turning away from Noya with his as crossed "Oof! You made him mad Yu!" Tanaka yelled from over where he was talking to Daichi and Sugawara "I'm sorry Sho!!! Forgive me?" No "fine Nishiya, i'll forgive you" Hinata grinned as Noya pleaded "yay!!" Noya leaped into the air "Oi dumbass" Shut the fuck up "Yes Bageyama? Also I'm not a dumbass!" Hinata turned around as Kageyama came over "Whatever, your late!" Kageyama scowled. Shut up.
"I am? Whoops Sorry!" He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and grinned "Dumbass" Kageyama rolled his eyes and jogged over to Daichi, he said something to him and Daichi nodded "Okay lets begin!" He clapped his hands and called for everyone to begin stretching "Yes sir!" Everyone shouted back and ran to get started


Hinata's pov

It was lunchtime, not that I had anything to eat anyway. I sat near the gym and gazed up at the sky. Two days, that was how long I'd been without food. Fantastic. I looked at my worn shoes, feeling empty inside "...Hinata? Did you already eat?" I jumped and turned pasting a grin on "You scared me Daichi!" I said sheepishly "and yes I've eaten" Liar "Thats good" Daichi smiled and went into the gym

Daichi's pov

Daichi smiled and walked into the gym, as soon he was out of Hinata's line of sight he let out a breath, Daichi was shocked at what he'd seen, he'd been coming back to get his water bottle and he'd seen Hinata.. But not the Hinata he knew and loved. This Hinata looked broken and lifeless, No sign of the grinning sunshine he knew, his hair was drooping, his gaze was dull, his face was blank.. Daichi shuddered, what had happened to Hinata?

Oki! So i am in love with writing this! And I hope u enjoy reading! ^w^ also this is a Kuroo x Hinata! (Which In my opinion is not enough of XD) not Daichi x Hinata! Just saying 😂

Here's some Kuroo x Hinata eyecandy! (None of its mine.. Sadly😂)


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