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We're nearing the end ;^;
Thank you all for the continued support! Also comment what u want next! OwO I would love to hear ur ideas!

What Haikyuu ship next? (Someone x Hinata possibly)

I'm down for literally anything! ^w^

Hinata's pov

I slowly opened my eyes to see a murky white sky, standing up I found a black murkiness everywhere except in front of me. I walked forwards a little but then stopped, straight ahead of me was three silhouettes, brightness surrounded them. One small in the middle and two big on either side. I gulped as I recognised them to be my family, they where smiling at me and seemed to beckon me. I felt my feet move and I nearly cried as I realised that I was going to see them again "Shoyo stop." suddenly my mothers voice rang in my head "You can't do this." I ignored it, the longing to see them. To hug them, to feel loved "you are loved" her voice whispered, a faint memory of someone filled my head making me pause. Who was it...? I took another step forward, slightly unsure now "you must remember." A breeze swept my through my hair and I froze as memories filled my head. Nishinoya grinning. Tanaka laughing. Daichi with his thumb up. Sugawara smiling. Asahi with his hands around Daichi's neck grinning. Kageyama yelling. Yamaguchi with his nervous smile. Tsukishima rolling his eyes at Kageyama. Yachi-san grinning and doing the peace sign. Kiyoko-san with a small smile on her face. Coach Ukai and Sensei looking proud and Kuroo. Kuroo smiling. Kuroo hugging me. Kuroo laughing. Kuroo whispering he loved me. I sobbed, these people cared about me. these people where my friends- no. My Family. "Its time for you to let go of the past." They smiled at me, their faces full of caring and love. I grinned back, a few tears slipped out as I turned and walked back into the murky blackness.
I opened my eyes with a gasp and sat up, a nurse that was near my bed yelped looking shocked before running out of the room. A few seconds later the nurse and a doctor rushed in "how are you feeling?" He asked checking my vitals before shining a light in my eyes "Sore" I rasped, the doctor nodded, having completed my check up. My throat felt like sandpaper as the nurse handed me some water, I gulped it down "What happened? Why am I here?" The doctor frowned slightly "You don't remember?" I shook my head "You where found in your room lying in a puddle of blood with a puncture wound on your stomach, while it was deep it luckily it missed your vitals, you've been asleep for 1 week." I winced slightly. One week huh... I looked up as another nurse came in and whispered something in the doctors ear, he nodded before turning to me "You feeling up for some visitors Mr Hinata?" I nodded slowly, knowing if I said no i'd only be avoiding it, "Very well, they can come in but no rowdiness otherwise they will have to leave." The nurse nodded and left the room followed by the doctor, not even a second later everyone burst in and I was hit with a sense of dejú vu right before Noya basically dived forward and hugged me "N-Nishinoya-sempai..!" I stuttered in shock "Oi! Get off him Noya!" "Hinataaaaaaaaa" he cried as he was pulled off me by Daichi, he had big tears in his eyes. It kinda reminded me of my sister... "How are you feeling, Hinata?" I snapped out of the daze of memories "I feel a bit sore, but other than that i'm fine.. I'm sorry for making you worry.." I had seen the bags under their eyes as they came in. "We're just glad your awake and okay," Sugawara said looking meaningfully around the room, everyone quickly chorused in agreement. Dachi hit Kageyama in his ribs when he didn't say anything "Ouch- okay okay... Its good to see you awake dumbass" I smiled "Can you remember what happened?" Asahi asked, I shook my head "Its very fuzzy, can you remind me?" They nodded before Tanaka launched into a very detailed description of the events and how he had sacrificed his shirt, by the end of it, Asahi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima looked slightly queasy and I wasn't feeling to good myself, for awhile we just talked about random things when suddenly, "Visiting time is up i'm afraid!" A nurse bustled in and smiled apologetically at the disappointed faces "you can come back tomorrow, The Doctor just informed me that Mr Hinata can be discharged tomorrow afternoon if nothing comes up. Now say your goodbyes quickly." They nodded and bowed as she went to wait outside the door. "See ya Hinata" "See you" "Bye" "See you dumbass" "Bye Hinata!" "...bye.." "See you tomorrow Hinata" I waved and smiled as they left before laying down, feeling slightly disappointed that the person I wanted to see most hadn't been there.. My eyes drifted shut as sleep welcomed me into its warm embrace

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