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My parent's are complaining that I don't talk to them that much, and when my father called, of fucking course I answered.
The next day my mother cane complaining to me that I didn't answer my father's call, wkdhosjdod that was a fucking missed call cuz I coudn't answer in time, and now she said that my father was complaining about me not asking my father other crap like how are you and stuff, bruh I'm a walking ball of anxiety I can't even continue a conversation, It doesn't help that my parent's are the one that made me anxious and insecure of myself in the first place. And now they are complaining that I don't care about them? Bitch mcxcuse me but I do chores while my shitty excuse of a brother just sits on the couch acting like a fucking spoiled brat and ordering me around, fuckin lil shit. Aihdksjfksjsk I wanna tell them I'm insecure and anxious of talking and stuff but I already tried that once and they just ignored it, idk if I can do it again. baidbjshdjd sorry if you had to read me ranting about my parents, ajxbskfha I just needed to get this out of my system.

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