chapter one

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Roses Pov

"Rose wake up , you're going to be in a hurry later."

"Mmmggg" I heard my dad calling out for me. I yawned, I was in no mood to get up. "Just 5 more minutes..." then it hit me. I gasped and jumped out of bed; it was my first day in Hogwarts . I was so excited yesterday i couldn't sleep. I put on my clothes and fixed up my short-Ish hair a bit, I checked my bags and fed my owl Luna, then i speeded downstairs for breakfast. Dad had already served me. I immediately started eating fast.

"What's the rush pumpkin?" my dad looked at me with his kind expression, he always does that when he doesn't understand something I do, like he builds up all the patience in the world just for me.

"Well, I don't wanna be late!"

"You won't be. just take it easy, ok?"

I sighed. "Fine, I will" I slowed down but i just couldn't help to daydream...

Artorias Pov

I woke up, early per usual, and slowly got ready. I wasn't excited or anything, it was just school. I wanted to keep being home schooled, but dad said I should start getting my name out there. I could already hear his voice at breakfast. Get into Slytherin this, don't disappoint me that, it's so annoying. Mom is more understanding, but she doesn't help much... 

I fed Sif, my artic weasel and checked if his temperature on his cage was ok. After that I went downstairs, mom and dad were eating quietly as fuck, what a marriage.

"Good morning son" dad said.

"Morning Father" I really hated calling him that, it felt so unnatural and forced, but if I called him anything else then I'd get an ear full, plus id gotten used to it.

"Are you ready to be sorted into Slytherin?"

"As I'll ever be" did he ever wonder maybe I won't be sorted into Slytherin- never mind I just heard myself and I don't want to die.

"Good, good. I expect you to behave and become the best, you're a Highwind after all and we are only the best. and I assume I do not need to tell you to not associate with...'' He pauses as he finds the words. "Well with kids that aren't, shall I say, out of your league in class" he lets out a narky laugh.

He dint have to beat around the bush... I knew what he meant, don't make friends with anyone 'less than'. which I always found stupid.

"And under no circumstances you will talk to blood traitors either, understand?"

"Yes father" I got up, I've had enough of this crap that i don't even care about anymore, as a kid maybe I wanted your approval but right now I just wanna get through this and move out. I would have run away already if it wasn't for... 
I solemnly look at my mother, her face tired and her body language closed. it was unbearable to see at times. I quickly look away.

"I'm done, may a be excused?"

"You may" my father says coldly.

I kissed mom goodbye on the cheek. She seemed tired, she always does now a days. I left and went to my room till it was time to leave for Hogwarts.

Rose Pov

Dad dropped me off outside the station he dint like going through the wall to get to my train so he left me here.

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