chapter six

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*artorias pov*

Ah dance class ,how I hate thee. I swear this just gives me flashbacks to horrible horrible times, but ofcourse like most things seing rose learing how to dance was endearing. On the other hand..

dint like that she was so close to another guy, a charming golden haired hufflepuff nonetheless, she was having fun too. I dint wanna feel like that but I just did, I wanted to kill the guy and just take rose in my arms and show her instead, like I promised.

I coulnt do anything doe , I sighed and whent back to the class.

Later we met at the astronomy tower, it was nice to just go there without sneaking , we could just say we were practising. This time we actualy were, we were in fact chossing a song today along with a dance.

"Hey!" Rose jumped on me. I laughed a bit and hugged her back.

I proceeded to sit and showed her the book containing the dance routines, songs ect. I loved her face when she found out the book magicly sounded out the music while she flipped thru the dance routines.

As she flipped thru it her expression changed to bored.

"Dont Like them?" I asked. It was obvious she dint doe.

"Its not that its just so plane" she was right , these were also pretty old , but I'm not a dancer, I cant just make moves up.

"I agree, what do u suggest."

She thought about it for a while, then she lit up. She looked at me "I have one but..."

"But?" I asked.

"Well it's from the muggle world and Idk if ud even like it"

I laughed "Babe I dont care if its muggle music and dance just show me"

She smiled and took out her tablet, she recently told me how it worked , I'll admit it was pretty cool.

She gave me the tablet with a video, I kinda looked at it in disbealief.

I choose thiking out loud
Ive just always loved this song and dance (sad for rose doe sence she cant dance and is gonna have to work her butt off 😅😂)

That aside I liked it for what it was , I was just surpriced she would go for this.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked ,I needed full commitment.

She nodded determined .

I smirked, "I dont know it might take a long time for us both to learn this."

"Y-yeah ur right.."

"So Lets start now" I got up and lifted her with me, we started off slow still with some fundamentals. It was fun to have her mess up a few times, then to my surprice she did the steps right.

"I did it!" She yelled surpriced. She had the most cute face of proudness and achivement , I'm glad I was the one too see that.

A hufflepuff And a slytherin...  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now