Dead Crows And Tattoo

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Skyler's P.O.V

Ten minutes into the class and the principal walked in whispering something into Ms. Blake's ear.

Hey, she has a name. Once the principal walked out she looked over in Scott's direction.

"Mr McCall." She called and I furrowed my eyebrows looking over at him.

She nodded her head to the door of the classroom and Scott grabbed his stuff making his way out.

I'd been staring at the back of Stiles' head for the entire class so it was pretty hard to be bothered by anything else.

Unfortunately for me, Stiles quickly turned round towards me and I raised my eyebrows giving him a sarcastic 'are you being serious?' look.

"Hey, can you hear what she's saying?" Stiles asked pointing outside the door and I forced myself to focus back to my notebook.

"No Stiles. Believe it or not, I'm actually not a supernatural dog." I whisper-yelled back and Lydia jutted her head at the both of us and looked back down not impressed.

"So what, the only special power you have is setting things on fire? You know that's useless right?" He said and I scoffed looking up at him.

Anything I said about him being hot has flown straight out the window. All gone!

"You know instead of worrying about how useless I am, why not worry about something that matters? Gosh, I don't know maybe your education?!"

"When have I ever worried about my education?" He proudly stated and I narrowed my eyes at him, basically glaring at the guy.

I like that guy. I'm a coward for the guy.

"I'm pretty strong too. So get your useless ass back forward and focus on something that matters before I make you." I ordered.

Stiles sighed turning back around as Ms Blake walked straight back into the room going towards the chalkboard.

Lydia flicked her fist making a whipping sound and we both sent cold glares in her direction.

I watched from the corner of my eye and Stiles looked around not doing anything, and then I watched as his eyes landed on Lydia's foot.

So does anything I say go through anyone's ears?

"Hey, Lydia," Stiles whispered finally getting Lydia's attention. Stiles pointed down at her foot. "What is that? Is that from the accident?"

"Why were you looking at her legs?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

I placed a hand over my mouth while Stiles turned to face me with an unsure look.

"Would you rather I stare at something else?"

I shook my head still keeping my hand over my mouth to keep me from any other embarrassing statements.

"Well, okay then," he turned back around and Lydia wiggled her eyebrows while staring at me.

"I know someone else you could be staring at," she offered and I sunk very very low in my seat.

Stiles' head was half-turned to the side and I avoided all contact. Any. All. No contact here.

"And no. Prada bit me." She answered and I then sat up looking at her foot. Prada bit her?

Wow, that is a weird sentence.

"Your dog?" Stiles asked.

I sat forward forward to whisper in his ear. "No, her designer handbag,"

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