Chapter 3

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Dylan p.o.v

"My mother died from leukemia and my father died from a heart attack. When they were alive my mom was a real estate agent and my father was a doctor." I informed him.

"Hmm, so you are a nurse because?"

"I could be the person who helps make someone feel better. I could help save a life."

"Mmm, I respect that." He said and glanced at me.

"Why do you do what you do?"

"I'm avenging my father."

"Oh." I sighed and glanced down.

"My father always said behind a great man is an even greater woman and that woman could be you." I squinted my eyes at him.

"You think that's true?"

"I believed everything that man ever told me." I nodded and he stood up.

"I know everything is rocky right now but things will get better. Just like we trusted our parents we have to trust each other and be honest about shit. Although you gotta know when to stop." I could tell the last part was directed towards me.

"Yeah, your right." He gave me his hand and I took it standing up.

"So we're good?" He asked looking me in the eye.

"Yeah, we're good."


We left the house and went to some warehouse. There were mats and stuff assortment of weapons spread out on the other side of the room. I tilted my head to the side as the door opened again. A woman came in and she was wearing a red bodysuit with some black leather heels.

"Why are you wearing that?" Xavier asked the woman and she rolled her eyes.

"You called at a comprising time. What am I doing here? Who's tweedle dee and tweedle dumb?" She pointed at Ryan and me.

I shot a look at Ryan and then she looked at Javi.

"Stop the name-calling. " Javi said first and crossed his arms walking over to the woman.

"Your gonna train these two lovely ladies. Dylan and Ryan. Unless you want to end everything here I can easily call someone else to do your job." He threatened and she sucked her teeth.

"Fine what's first?"

"You tell me." He eyed her and she started to take her heels off.

"Keep me on," Xavier instructed and she did as she walked over to the mats.

We followed and she stopped in the middle of the mat.

"First up self-defense let's see what you know." She mentioned and motioned for Ryan to come up first.

Little does she know Ryan is a master at self defense. She learned care of her dad so she has a passion for it stronger than an average Joe like me would if you will. I have a thing for weapons of course. I have a secret stash in our house.

They both posted up. Ryan made the first move and she blocked it. She was sussing ole girl out and knew she was about strategy. She could've strikes Ryan but she didn't. She initiated grabbing her as if she was putting her in a headlock I guess but Ryan took her to the ground flipping her or something.

Ryan took her down how the guy did in the first part of the video at 1:00

"Huh, so tweedle dee does have some training. Let's level up." We watched them go at it 2 more times and she got Ryan.

"Hmm guess you don't have as much skill as I thought." Ryan tilted her head shaking what she said off.

"Let's go again." She posted up in her stance and shipped old girls feet from beneath her.

"Nice work, Next," Javi called an old girl picked herself up off the ground shooting daggers at Ryan.

"Dylan come, " He called and I reluctantly followed leaving my friend with the maniac.

"Show us what you got," Xavier said and I smiled.

There were knives and guns and those little ninja stars. I started with the ninja stars since they were the smallest. I hit the intended target every time right in the head of the heart. I then moved onto the guns I picked up a Ruger Mk II, Remington Model 700, Walther PP, Claridge Hi-Tec/Goncz GC, Beretta 92FS, Smith & Wesson Model 10, Heckler & Koch USP, and the SIG-Sauer P226. I tried them all out for scale and stepped back.

"Which one do you like?" He asked as he stood beside me at the table.

"The Walther PP."

"Nice." He chimes in my ear  she too the gun and placed it in my hand.

"Keep it study it inside and out. Taking it apart and putting it together again. You real work starts now ladies let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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