☽•Chapter 1•☾

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Chapter songs: Mr.Brightside and
We Are Young - FUN.
(Don't have anything to do with the plot I was just repeatedly listening to them while writing)


The flashing lights momentarily blinded Tedros but the confusion cleared up as rapidly as it washed over him. He flashed his signature movie star smile at the hundreds of cameras in front of him. He was constantly stopped by reporters as he walked the red carpet. They asked a lot of the same questions. Was he dating anyone? What was he wearing? How was the filming of the movie? Did he think he would win any awards? There was a lot of copying in the world of hollywood. No one was original, and if they were, their originality would soon become the new trend, and before you knew it, it would be out of fashion as soon as it came in. To stay relevant you had to constantly be pumping out one of two things, quality art or trashy drama. Tedros had been in the limelight for less than 10 years and yet he was already feeling the influence of society. He was only 26 and yet he could already feel the pressure from the public. Luckily he was in his prime, he was still considered one of the "hot" ones. He did feel the pressure from his younger competition but he was consistently winning awards and recognitions. Earlier this year he had been named "Persons Magazine Most Desirable Man" He got to the end of the carpet and let his smile fall. He did feel happiness seeing the look of joy on his fans' faces as they watched his movies and shows but he hadn't felt truly happy in a long time. There was something missing in his life. The celebrity lifestyle wasn't all like he had expected. He had seen the tabloids sitting on the aisle shelves as his mom and him were leaving the grocery store but being the center of attention in them was much, much worse. You couldn't help but feel like the lies written by those jerk reporters were true. Tedros' smile may have been bright for the camera's but inside he felt nothing. He had nothing and no one to feel for. All his friends had grown up and gotten tired of having to sneak around and being recorded secretly. They all wanted to live their private lives and Tedros understood. The only person he was still in contact with was one of his two best friends, Tristan. Tristan was a famous Hollywood director, they ran in the same circles. His other best friend was off somewhere being a hero. Chaddick had enlisted as soon as he graduated. He had been running around somewhere overseas saving lives. Or at least that's what Tedros hoped he was doing, if he was being honest, he didn't know much about soldier's livelihoods, even though he played the part of a soldier in a movie a few years back. Tedros took his designated seat. It was a seat away from the edge of the aisle. He was sitting in the 3rd row away from the stage. With another fake smile plastered on his face he greeted the people on his right. The seat next to him on the left was still empty. A familiar smell wafted into the air. The faint smell of cucumber and citrus filled the air. Tedros knew exactly who was sitting next to him.
"Miss Evilé" Tedros smiled as he stood up and extended his arm out for her to steady herself on
"Mr. Pendragon" Sophie smiled back and accepted his help. She walked down the few remaining steps. As soon as they were back in their row, Sophie pulled Tedros into a tight hug.
"I missed you darling"
"I missed you too Sophie"
They took their seats and chatted as they waited for the ceremony to start. Sophie and Tedros went to highschool together. She always denied it but Tedros knew that she had a small crush on him. Then a few years later they worked together on the same movie.
"So how are you feeling future mr. Actor of the Year"
"Nervous but excited, if I win, this might be the best thing that has ever happened to me. But enough about me, how are you and my little Mars Bar"
"It's Mara" Tedros chuckled at Sophie's glare
"But both she and my lovely wife are doing great"
"That's great, I hope you know that I will be visiting Mara soon because I have a gift for her from my latest trip to France"
"Oh no, im worried. You are not great with presents for children"
"What are you talking about, I'm great with kids"
"Tedros. I love you, but you aren't. You gave Mara a diamond chain for her first birthday"
"That's- fine you're right, but it's not my fault. I only have 2 years of experience with babies"
Sophie laughed, she was going to admit victory when the lights of the room dimmed. The orchestra began to play the music, the show had begun.
"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!!!"
Agatha grumbled as she woke up from her peaceful slumber.
"Yes baby"
"We're gonna late" A.J. pointed to the clock on her bedside table. It was 6:45, they needed to be at school at 7.
"Shit!" Agatha jumped out of bed and rushed over to her closet, "Don't repeat that word!"
A.J. was an early riser so he was already awake and dressed, his mother was not. A.J. just sat on his mother's bed as he waited for her to finish getting ready. She was a teacher and yet, could never wake up on time. Agatha changed in less than 5 minute and headed to the kitchen. A.J. followed close behind. Agatha served him some cereal before she finished packing their lunches. She grabbed her purse and her work bag as A.J. finished washing his bowl. They each grabbed their lunch bags and headed out the door. 6:52, luckily the school was just a short drive away. Agatha dropped A.J. off at the elementary school before heading over to the high school. A.J. entered school at 7 but the high school classes didn't start till 7:30. She parked her car and headed to her class. She walked through the entrance gates and made her way up the Science building stairs. Her room was on the 2nd floor of the building. She entered her classroom and began to set up the lesson for the day. Agatha thought that it would be an ordinary day, one like any other, but sadly, it wasn't.
Tedros had just woken up when he received the call. He was slightly hungover from the afterparty last night but the call caused him to immediately sober up, like a punch in the face. It was supposed to be a normal day. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. And yet, he had just gotten the news that his best friend had died in battle. Chaddick was gone. What kind of so-called best friend was he. He was supposed to start filming for a new show next week but he couldn't. He had to go home. After almost 9 years, he was going home.
The final bell had just rung when Ms. Rosa, the secretary came into her classroom. Agatha waved goodbye to the last of her students before taking a seat at the desks to talk to the woman. She could feel something was wrong, what was so important that she couldn't just send an email. Agatha was hoping this wouldn't take long, she had to pick up A.J. in less than half an hour.
Agatha didn't like the tone of her voice, it had underlying tones of pity.
"We just received a call that...that- um well...your friend Chaddick has passed away"
Agatha felt like she had been punched in the gut, she was shocked. And yet, the word friend didn't sit right with her. They had never been extremely close, but they did talk and share few laughs. She knew his biggest secret and he knew hers and yet, they were just acquaintances. But his death rocked her world. She had known that he would be coming home in a few days, she also knew the surprise that he was planning. It was that surprise that hit her the hardest, the thought of having to live like that is what sent the first tear rolling down her cheek. The fall of the first tear triggered a chain reaction and she just started crying. Heavy sobs being released from the depths of her gut. The secretary pulled her into an embrace before leaving the room. Agatha was now alone with her sorrow. It was almost time to pick up A.J. but she didn't think she should do it. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. He would realize something was up, he was very intuitive for a 9 year old. Agatha sent a quick text to her mom asking if she could pick him up. Of course she said yes. Agatha felt a slight sense of relief but she still felt queasy. She knew there were dangers, he was a soldier after all but she never thought anything would happen to him. Agatha remained in her classroom just thinking, the sky was dark by the time she finally left. She cleaned herself up slightly using a handheld mirror, the loose makeup in her bag, and the chemistry classroom sinks. She drove home trying to clear her mind. She didn't want A.J. to think that something bad was happening. She unlocked the front door and was immediately met with a hug from her son. She needed it. During this moment she was very thankful that he was a mommy's boy.
Tedros had always been a mommy's boy, but his career caused them to drift apart. He left their small city of Camelot in pursuit of his dream to live in Los Angeles and become a star. He was 17, on the verge of being 18 when he made his choice. They had a brief argument about it but ultimately Guinevere signed the consent papers and let him leave school early to start filming a movie. Guinevere was his biggest fan but Tedros was unappreciative. He became somewhat of a douche after initially gaining fame. Now, after almost 10 years he was home, and he hoped that his mom would accept him. He really needed some sort of support system. He didn't know how much longer he could feign being ok. He stepped up the familiar red wooden door. With a hood over his head and sunglasses covering his eyes, he hoped he wouldn't be recognized. He knocked cautiously on the door. The door opened wide and he saw his mother step into the afternoon light.
"Tedros?" she asked. Stretching her arms forward to take off his glasses and pull back his hood,
"Hey mom" She pulled him into a tight hug. Tedros could already feel the tears threatening to be released. She stopped hugging him and cupped her hands around his face, "come in, I heard the news about Chaddick" That's when it happened. The tears were finally released. After suppressing them for so long he just couldn't anymore. Now it was real. Guinevere touched her forehead against his before pulling him inside. Tedros sat on the old, ratted blue couch. His mom was making them some tea. He was spiraling. His best friend was actually gone and he had been such a bad best friend that he couldn't even remember the last time they actually spoke. Guinevere returned to the living room with two cups of steaming apple cinnamon tea. Tedros slowly sipped the warm liquid. He stayed silent, processing his incoherent thoughts and feelings.
"The funeral is tomorrow, do you know how long you'll be staying?" Guinevere finally spoke.
"no...I start filming a new show in a few days, maybe i'll just stay till then" Tedros' voice was shaky. Guinevere simply nodded, "you should go get some sleep, you need to rest"
Tedros felt defeated but there was nothing he could do. He set the cup on the coffee table and stood up. He felt slightly dizzy but acted as if he was fine. He stumbled up the stairs and made his way to his childhood bedroom. He shut the door behind him and almost immediately he started hyperventilating, he was having an anxiety attack. He felt a weight on his chest, almost as if it was cutting off his oxygen. The room started closing in. His tears felt like a raging ocean trying to drown him. He sat down on the bed and placed a hand over his chest. He needed to focus on his breathing, he needed to focus on something that would anchor him back to stability. He looked up from the floor and his eyes landed on a picture frame. He reached his arm out for it. Slowly his breath came back to him and his fears settled. Agatha. After all these years she was still his anchor. He hadn't allowed himself to think about her in so long but he never forgot. He never forgot her.
Agatha hated missing class. As a teen she was perfectly fine with skipping but being on the teacher's side changed that perspective. There was so much to do and not enough time and missing a class period only made that worse. Agatha knocked on A.J.'s room door.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yes mommy"
A.J. walked out of his room and saw Agatha still in her pajamas.
"Are you not going to school?"
"No bunny, mommy has somewhere she has to be"
"Can I skip school?"
Agatha smiled
"Do you have an emergency?"
"No" he huffed
Agatha chuckled, "come on, you don't want to be late"
She handed A.J. his lunch and they made their way to the car. After she dropped him off Agatha returned home. She needed to change for the ceremony. When Agatha was younger she had an all-black phase. She dressed in all black for almost 3 years, yet now the black no longer felt comforting. Now she felt remorse wearing the all black apparel. She was wearing a black square neck body con dress. The dress stopped a bit under the knee. She paired the dress with a pair of black pumps. She pinned the left side of her hair back with a golden butterfly hairpin that Chaddick had bought her for christmas a few years back. It was the first year he wouldn't be spending Christmas overseas and he wanted some people to hang with. Agatha invited him over to her house and they spent christmas together. Agatha remembered it vividly, it was the year that Chaddick got A.J. a soccer ball which inevitably broke one of her mother's antique vases. Agatha smiled fondly at the memory. She was going to miss him and the way he made her his personal mailman so she could deliver his letters to-
Agatha's ringtone interrupted her from her thoughts, it was Sophie. Agatha answered and put her high school best friend on speaker as she put her earrings on.
"Hey, I heard about Chaddick. How ya' holding up?"
"Not great but it'll get better over time"
"Yeah, but I still wish I could be there"
"No Sophie, you need to stay with Mara"
"I know but-"
"Trust me, your baby is more important than this. How's my little Mars Bar anyways?"
"Why does everyone call her that?!"
"Nevermind, just good luck, i'm here if you need me"
"Thank you Sophie. Oh and congrats on your win yesterday! Best supporting actress today, Best Actress next year"
"Thank you, a girl can wish" Agatha heard Sophie chuckle
"Ok, i've got to go to the funeral now"
"Ciao Darling"
Agatha shoved her phone into the small black purse and headed out the door. She drove to the cemetery where the ceremony was going to be held. She stood towards the back of the crowd, she was tall without the heels, but with the heels on she was sure she would obstruct somebody's view.
Tedros stood in the back of the crowd. Actually he wasn't even near the crowd. He didn't feel like he deserved that right. He stood alone watching by one of the many trees in the cemetery. The tears threatening to be released but Tedros held them in. The ceremony was beautiful. He spotted a few of his old classmates and "friends" in the crowd. It was nice to see that Chaddick had stayed friends with them. The ceremony ended and he was about to walk away when he noticed a man in a black suit walking over to him. Tedros felt like he had done something wrong.
"Are you Mr. Tedros Pendragon?"
"Who's asking?"
"We found these letters among Chaddick's things but they had no address, they were simply directed towards a Tedros Pendragon" The man pulled a bulky stack out of his jacket and placed it in Tedros' open hand.
"Thank you"
"No problem, I'm sorry for your loss."
He patted Tedros' shoulder as he left him alone with the letters. Tedros needed to get home and read these letters.
Agatha needed to clear her mind. Since becoming a mom she found that grocery shopping usually did that. She picked A.J. up from school and they headed to the store. Agatha had made a list on her phone of what they needed.
"Cereal, Milk, Eggs, Bread, Onions, Serrano peppers, some fruit, and what else?"
"I don't know but can I choose the cereal?"
"You always do bunny. Just meet me where the milk is ok?"
"You got it momma"
Agatha watched as A.J. ran off to choose the most sugary cereal he could find. He had a sweet tooth, well...they both had a major sweet tooth.
Agatha walked towards the dairy aisle of the store. She grabbed a carton of eggs and put in her cart. She grabbed a small tub of butter, some cream cheese, and some assorted shredded cheese, A.J.'s favorite for some reason. She got distracted by an email as she reached for the door to the fridge where the milk was. It was reflex to reach for it and feel the metal handle. So she was thoroughly surprised when she accidentally hit someone's hand.
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok" Agatha's blood ran cold when she heard that voice. A voice she never thought she would hear again.
Tedros had just gotten home when his mom asked if he could go to the store for her, he said sure. She gave him a list and he typed it into his phone. He went to the same grocery store he would visit with his mom as a child. Everything was basically the same. It was weird, he would have expected everything to change with the times but it didn't. He grabbed the stuff she had asked for, a jar of peanut butter, some sugar, a bag of chocolate chips, and a gallon of milk. The dairy aisle was all the way in the back so he headed there last. His hand was already on the handle when someone put their hand over his. Tedros turned to look at the clearly distracted woman, she had her face in her phone so he didn't initially recognize her. It wasn't until he heard her voice that he realized. Agatha. The woman was Agatha. She sounded basically the same as she did in high school. It was sort of freaky. She must have come to the same realization because she suddenly became stiff. This was awkward.
"Mommy! I got the cereal"
A little boy, maybe 8 or 9 ran towards Agatha. He had dark blonde almost golden brown hair. He had a complexion slightly tanner than Agatha's. The most apparent difference was the eyes. The boy had bright, clear blue eyes. Totally contrasting Agatha's deep dark brown ones. He tossed the box of cereal into her cart.
"Thank you bunny"
The little boy smiled brightly,
He was stunned, Agatha was a mom? He didn't see a ring on her finger. The boy looked a lot like her but at the same time they didn't look too alike.
"Are you ok?" the boy asked Agatha
"Yes, I was just saying hi to an old friend" She was lying
"This is Tedros, a friend from high school" Tedros was way more than a friend
"Hey I know you! My mommy watches your movies" Agatha's cheeks burned red
"Yeah! I'm A.J."
"Nice to meet you A.J. you've got a pretty cool name"
"Thanks but it's just a nickname. My actual name is Arthur. Arthur James Woods"
Tedros felt like a bombshell was just dropped on him. Agatha's eyes widened. She hurriedly grabbed a gallon of milk before saying a quick goodbye and taking the boy with her.
His name is Arthur. Tedros couldn't help but wonder...what if? Maybe? He had to talk to Agatha.


Ahhhhh ok but I love this story

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Guess who stayed under their set word count. 1 word under, 3499 words people

I'll see you all in the next update
- Tiffany

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