Archive Eight: Gut-wrenching Experience

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May - 19 - 2020 / ?:?? AM

The dream started off as normal, I was physically set to a generic non-existent suburban area. Classic two-storey houses filled the area and long, narrow roads. Like any american neighbourhood, except this one did not have any cars nor people wandering about. Like an accurate depiction of society under quarantine, except with an eerie atmosphere and a thin layer of mist.

I started walking forward while looking at the empty houses, all of which had the same blue walls. Typically like rowhouses cluttered in both sides except it's abandoned. While walking, I felt a great sense of boredom so I started whistling while going down the empty road.

The same pattern repeated, the next thing I know, My feet felt heavy, I assume it's from the sheer exhaustion of walking or gravity pulling me down. Either way I was stuck on the pavement. I forcefully raised my leg with both arms and was able to lift my foot off the ground. I hopped on the sidewalk and continued walking, I start to hear birds chirping, but there weren't any nests, let alone trees.

After a great distance from where I left off, I heard a metallic "dink" sound. I turned around and from the other side of the road was a tall, bald person, presumably seven-foot in height. He was facing away from me while cutting the grass from his lawn with a sickle. It's an impractical tool for modern times, but I guess I couldn't discriminate. Other than his sense of style which was a white tanktop and black slacks with matching leather shoes.

The metallic sound continued ticking constantly, like a metronome or a pendulum swinging, every few seconds the ticks grew faster and louder. I covered my ears but the sound was still irritating. My heart beats faster and is in sync with the sound. I ran away from the guy and realized the sound becoming less deafening, I continued running forward.

I ran, and ran.

Until I couldn't run anymore.

I stood still to replenish my energy. But when I turned around, the tall guy was already standing behind me with a hunched back and a wicked smile. He was holding the sickle in his left hand. While his right hand, for some reason, was amputated and squirting blood.

It was a sign of danger, I ran away from him. But simply going straight won't outrun that creepy man, I was in his field of vision, so I turned left into one of the houses and used my elbow as a battering ram to pry the door open.

I ran past the empty living room and into the kitchen, where I escaped through the back door. Running through the path behind the houses. He was gone for a while, but I was completely worn down again, I leaned against one of the houses to catch my breath.

A faint voice whispered to my ear. "Hello." it said. It was him, and he was just around the side of the house I was leaning on.

I pushed myself off the wall as a boost to start running again, but I was still tired, my legs were about to give up but fear took priority and gave me a few seconds more to continue bolting through the streets.

I reached a dead end. A house blocked the path and fences. With the man still on my tail with his sickle and creepy smile.

I had nowhere else to go nor hide.

I faced him head-on and took advantage of the first move, he dashed towards me while waving his sickle like a madman. Though I evaded the blade by strafing sideways and throwing a punch to his back. He tipped and almost lost balance but got back to his feet. I threw more body punches to wear him down yet it only made him more fierce. He tilted the sickle aiming for my head but I crossed my elbows together and barely guarded the sickle's wooden handle. I blocked the attack but the tip of the sickle reached my face, my cheeks started forming a puddle of blood.

The man swung his sickle and it sliced my right arm completely. It fell to the pavement and I just looked at it as my blood streamed down the cut.

I just witnessed getting amputated yet I feel nothing but adrenaline surging through my head.

With rage, I used my remaining limbs against him. Constant barrage of high kicks against his abdomen followed by swift punches to his chest. He was so tall that I had to do a spinning roundhouse kick just to reach his face.

I was defending myself against a psychopath, but it felt like an action sequence where I can manipulate my body to perform taekwondo moves flawlessly without my own body holding me down.

But it was cut short.

The man found an opening and sliced off my left knee. My body slammed to the ground, I felt the pavement crush my back realistically.

He then went with my other arm, but I barely dodged it.

The next thing I know, I was limping away from him with only an elbow and a leg.

He finished me off with a clean slice around the center of my stomach. My vision grew fuzzy, shifting from blurred then clear, over and over. I looked down, my innards were spilling out, My face couldn't express the agonizing pain of getting butchered while conscious. I just fell flat and watched my intestines dangle off my wounded belly.

The man inserted his arm and yanked my heart out. I could see it, my own heart pulsating with veins still attached to the base. But I was still conscious and writhing in pain. Hopelessly, I looked at it while feeling like something is gripping the left side of my chest tightly while cold air circulated around.

It was just a dream, but realistically enough, now I know how it feels to have my internal organs gouged out without dying.

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