3 - repetitive

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the young girl stirred awake, she could hear the birds outside chirping. hea slipped out from her old nightgown and replaced it with her usual, tight school uniform. this wasn't ideal, but it's what she was used to.
i'm so tired of this.

hea approached the brunette boy. he sat on the floor, leaned against a locker not paying much attention to his surroundings. she kicked his foot playfully, causing him to flinch.
"h-hey hea." he stuttered, mentally cursing himself.

"hi jisungie, i just stopped by to see if you wanted to walk me to my next class?" she smiled.

the brunette couldn't believe it, the girl who he was infatuated with was TALKING to him? he snapped out of his thoughts, pushing a jumble of words out.
"s-sure! where do you have to go?"

her smile never faded, "room 219, come on i can't be late."

the younger scurried to his feet, packing up his things as he began to follow her.
"i'm shocked." he began.

"why so?" the older girl questioned. he noticed her keeping a tight clench on her books.

"that you asked me to walk you to class. why didn't you ask someone like..jaehwa?"

"jaehwa isn't who i like to associate myself with, silly. also, you didn't hear it from me but he's into seoyeon." hea giggled.

jisung formed a cheesy smile on his face. he had never heard such a beautiful laugh before. his thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt stop of hea, they had arrived in front of her classroom.

"thank you for walking me, see you later." she waved, stepping into the chemistry classroom.

they boy couldn't even wave back, he just zoned out. he stared at her cheerful smile as she greeted the teacher.
i know what i'm writing my next song about.

"safe travels jisungie~" the girl hummed as he exited the building. she took a long exhale, standing up and walking back to her room. hea couldn't help but feel tears form in her eyes when she walked into the repetitive sight. she closed her door and let the waterworks spill. her quiet, happy facade slowly dissipating into what she truly was.


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