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"You know, it's peaceful.....too peaceful." A suspicious Usopp said while holding a fishing rod and the same time looking around the boat that was in deep sea, trying to catch some fish for Sanji to cook later on.

"Maybe it your thoughts running around your head." A human Chopper responded, one hand with Cotten candy and the other the rod.

"Who knows, maybe we can catch a sea king, I'm starving!!!!" Luffy said, while munching on a meat bone. A pull was felt on his end of the rod. "Oí! I caught something!" The three started to pull on the rod at the same time. "It's big that's for sure-aaaa!" And like that, Luffy and Chopper where pulled into the sea.

With a heavy heart, Ussop just sat don on the boat waiting for both smart thinkers to come back up.

"Could have save us you know." Luffy said, with a big fish in hands and Chopper on his back like a monkey on his mom.

"You guys can swim, remember, no devil fruit now." He responded back to them.

"Oh, that's right." A lightbulb turned on top of their heads, making both swim towards the boat with that fish in tow.

"Come on brave warriors of the sea, start rowing the boat to where the sea meet the land!" Usopp said while he landed his foot on the front of the boat, fishing rod pointing at the village where their staying. Luffy and Chopper getting the rowing logs and started to row while yelling yea! "Hurry for the treasure could disappear!" A thud was heard.

"HELP US ROW THEN!!!" Was yelled at him, giving out a nervous chuckle, he took a log and started to help them.

"Sooo, were do you have in mind on where are we going when this is done?" Ussop asked Luffy.

"Maybe we should go to the big turtle that has gold on his back. We know the tricks to pass and not to own anyone." Chopper said, with a happy face once he saw land.

"But if we do go, Nami will want to stay and win some more and at the end we might slip and end up losing, I don't want to end up a golden statue or working for the rest of my life for him for my freedom." Ussop said with is nose held high in the air.

"Who knows, maybe we can skip right threw there and going to another place, maybe explore the island we past by the other timer who knows, maybe go and see the underwater life. We'll see later." Hands on deck, they pulled the sea king out of the boat, giving some pieces to the villagers, and then getting the rest on their hands they went to Luffy's house, where Sanji a was waiting for them.

Every Captain,Leader, Admiral, pirate and revolutionary (subordinates) were passed out in the patio and living room. The booze was picked up thanks to Nami and Robin who where currently talking with Sanji and Zoro in the countertop talking about where to go and all that. Luffy, Ace and Sabo where sleeping in the treehouse that they made when they were younger, Luffy's crew sleeping with them in the treehouse.

"Im scared there going to fall at any moment." Nami mention with a margarita in one hand, another under her chin watching the kids in the treehouse that was over flowing with bodies. "Although I won't be surprised if they do fall, there your kids after all." A smirk grew on her face.

"I don't know how you guys still sailed with me being that dense." Luffy said with a small chuckle escaping his mouth along with a warm smile.

"You were dense although you where more inocente back then" Said Nami, the first one to sail with him for a while before the crew was started.

Inocente where both Luffy's in both timeline. The moment that Luffy gained the title of pirate king, it opened his eyes to the world that he was in. He gained and protected the territory that he won along with its people. The crew somewhat expanded, the little girl that meant with Ace while he was alive in the ex-kaido territory became the first cabin-boy, or girl in this case, in the crew, along with Carrots and Jimbe. They helped to keep the peace, but not everything is able to keep under control for each generation a new trouble maker appears thing there the big shot and all that. All this making Luffy a more wiser captain although he didn't change other than that things didn't changed much.

"Do you think it really is Blackbread the one thats going to come soon, to this island?" A distraught Chopper asked the crew, worry laced in his eyes when he looked up from his hot chocolate. "It was hard to beat him last time."

"We have too, he's our problem, not there's to solve." Robin responded in a kind voice and giving reassuring rub on his back. A small smile appeared on her face.

"I thought he was behind bars? What happened?" Sanji asked Luffy.

"The big guys of the marines died, meaning that the power was setting down with the newbies, he took that time to escape." Luffy said. A thought full face appeared.

"Excuses, they should have left some big guns there to watch his cell." Zoro replied, giving a duh look to Luffy.

"They could have done that, by doing that they prevent that happening." Nami said.

"Well everyone wanted a get together, haven't seen each other in a while, well thats what Koby said anyways.Happy for him by the way, he became admiral in a short while." Luffy responded back.

"One of the few good one that the marines have by the way." Zoro said and drowned a sake down his throat."One fir the kid!" everyone holding their cups up.

"For Koby!"Was heard threw out the house. waking up some people up.

"Hey, peanut, what Koby" Everyone frozen by the questioned asked. Garp asked his son getting a plate for himself with the food that was there in the counter.

With a clear throat, "He's a apprentice that I took recently in to help me with he bank." Inam said, recovering real fast. "and the name is Cody, with a C." A steady smile appeared in the nervous woman.

"Oo, make sense, so when are you going for the date?" He asked her, moving his head slightly, evading a bottle of beer by a hair, and staying calm when he felt two black auras around him.

"GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER OLD MAN!! SHE'S LIKE A SISTER TO ME!!" Rocco yelled at his grandpa, or in this world father.

"Nobody deserves nami-sawn, she's too good for you....."Blackleg started to mumbling, a dark looked crossed his eyes, shining with murder.


"Oh really, I read it wrong then." Garp said, his pinky finger in his nose and a dumb look plastered on his face. A thump was heard, smoky coming out of her ears and a twitch in her hands.

"OMG, I'm not interested in anybody old man, I'm too young to settled down." Rocco said already calmed down and rubbing his forehead.

"Don't know pops, a lover could make you happier your already 36. Morning by the way." Sabo said with a yawn and a messy hair, still in pj.

"It's hard too see Luffy with a lover after all these years." Besides, it's weird when your not from here, in a sense. Ussop thought and said.

"Like I said,I'm not interested in anyone yet so leave me the hell alone!!!" Rocco said, stuffing his face with food to stop talking. Laughter was heard in the house.

One by one, everyone was leaving to there shops or just wondering around the village, under the promise of not creating big trouble for the marines, and spending time on things. Leaving the house for the family and their crews and friends. Although the big show was about to start.

Hello, hello, hello!!!
I hope you guys liked it!!
Questions, just asked away and now I have a question for you guys...
Do you guys want shippings or just family love between them??
Leave some love by the way. Thank you until next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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