Birth part 2

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March 31st, 3:36 am At The Hospital Normal POV

The past 3 days have been normal at the hospital. Sakura's contractions were slow, but she would have them at least 2 times a day, which wasn't bad. Sakura and Sasuke have been staying in the hospital room for more than 2 days. They didn't mind though. They enjoyed each other's company. Its been a while since they have had an actual conversation, and it felt great. They would blush at times and play little games or activities in the room sometimes. They would share secrets, kiss, make out and a lot more weird kid things.

As soon as Hinata got out of the hospital, she and Naruto decided to visit them and let them meet their baby boy, Boruto. His hair and eyes looked just like his dads. He also had Naruto's cute little whiskers. Even though he was less than 3 days old, he still had a lot of energy, just like his father. He was awake most of the day and he kept on making weird noises. They each got to hold him, including Sasuke, well sort of. He felt embarrassed and gave the baby back to Hinata. Sakura thought it was so cute to see him embarrassed like that.

Today was the third day at the hospital and Tsunade said the baby should come today or tomorrow. After the news, it was 12 in the morning and they both went to sleep, well Sasuke went to sleep. Sakura couldn't, as usual. Ever since she was 5 months pregnant, she could never sleep. She would have awful back cramps, stomach cramps, neck cramps, her legs would be so sore and etc. She hated it, but tonight was different for her. It was a bigger pain and it was only on one part of her body, her stomach. This went on for more than 3 hours until she felt the need to push.....

Sakura POV

I felt the need to push this time, which was weird. I didn't want to wake up Sasuke, so I just pushed, but when I did, it felt like I was being stabbed multiple times in my stomach. I groaned in pain. I felt a pair of hands holding mine. I looked over to see Sasuke staring at me with those worried onyx eyes.

"what's wrong Sakura?" he whispered

"I-I think its time to give b-birth..." I said panting

"oh my god...umm okay I'll go get Tsunade, okay?" he said getting up from the couch he was laying on

"okay" I groaned in pain

5 minutes later

"Okay let's do this Sakura!" Tsunade said walking through their door, followed by Sasuke. I laughed at Tsunade's words.

"okay, Tsunade" I said while laying down on the bed. Sasuke was right beside me, holding onto my hand really tight. He looked at me and smiled.

"you're going to do great Sakura" he said to me with the most beautiful eyes ever. He pecked me on the lips and looked at Tsunade, who was just staring at them

"this is no romance movie, so can we focus on this, please. I haven't had enough sake today for this crap"

I chuckled at my sensei's tone. Soon I started to deliver the baby. Sasuke held my hand tight and told me that if I need to squeeze his hand, I could do it, even though I have brute strength, especially in my hands. I tried not to squeeze his hand too much because I was the one who was supposed to be in pain, not him. When I did, I could see a pain-filled expression on his face. I tried to say sorry many times, but I couldn't because of me pushing, I couldn't even talk because of the pain.

9:30 am Sasuke POV

I feel like Sakura was pushing for a whole year! To make it even worse, she kept yelling and screaming. I was also holding her hand and I told her she could squeeze my hand if she felt pain. At first, she barely squeezed my hand, but after 2 hours of pushing, she did it every 5 minutes, sometimes even 2. It's about 9 in the morning and I felt a relief wash over me when Tsunade told us this was Sakura's last push. I thanked the lord so many times. Sakura's squeeze on my hand hurt like hell. I almost hand the urge to scream out of pain, but I didn't because lord knows that if Naruto found about it, he would laugh up a storm. 

Tsunade started to count down from 3 because it was Sakura's last push. She gave the last push and we heard crying. Me and Sakura were so relieved, especially Sakura. She looked so tired, she had bags under her eyes, she was sweating like crazy and her hair was a mess, but she somehow still looked as beautiful as always. I smiled and smile grew 10 times when I saw the baby. Tsunade held it up and smiled. 

"Congratulations!" she said smiling

My heart rate went up 10 times and I bet my face showed a shocked expression. Tsunade cut the umbilical cord and washed up the baby. She wrapped the baby in a baby pink blanket and brought her to us. Sakura held the baby in her arms and swaddled her. Somehow, she already knew how to hold her and everything. I started to see tears slip down her face. Happy tears. The baby in her arms beautiful. Tears slowly fell down my face. I tried to cover them, but of course, Sakura knew what I was trying to do.

"I didn't know you were this emotional Mr. SA.SU.KE" she teased, wiping her own tears of her face.

"your crying too" I mumbled

"aww come on, don't try that with me. You know I'm very emotional" she said

"hn" I mumbled, wiping the tears off my face

*giggles* " your so cute anata"

We took a moment to observe our baby. I almost cried again, but I held it in. I can't believe we created a baby, a life.....a soul. She had my hair and eyes. She had Sakura's cute little nose and her eyes were full of life and happiness, just like Sakura's. Her eyelashes were long and they looked so cute on her. I bet they were going to have a lot of boy problems in the future.....yay

"okay I'll just leave you 3 alone" Tsunade said leaving out of the room

Normal POV

The 3 were alone now and Sasuke and Sakura just stared at their baby in awe. They were so happy.  Their baby would sometimes open her eyes and smile. Sakura had heart eyes when their baby did pretty much anything. This amused Sasuke, it made his heart melt to see his wife and his new daughter. They were all happy even the baby. They were going to be parents. After all the years of knowing each other, they finally got married and had a kid. They just sat there in silence until a thought came into Sasuke's mind.

"hey Sakura," he said looking into her emerald eyes

"yes anata?" she smiled

Sasuke lost his breath. She was so beautiful when she smiled

"oh um...what are we going to name her" he blushed. He never thought he would be asking Sakura, the Sakura that he had always had a crush on for years, "what are we going to name ARE child?"

"I don't really about Sara?" she asked, looking into his onyx eyes

"nah that's too simple," Sasuke thought for a full minute, then it came to him. "how about Sarada?"

"I love it!!" she smiled "hi Sarada" she said to Sarada

"How did you think of it?" she turned to Sasuke

"well she reminded me of you and Sarada sounds like your name" he blushed

"awwww anata!!" she sobbed "thank you I'm so happy!!" she cried

He chuckled softly......he was going to enjoy parenthood...

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