aftermath of dare 7

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*knock knock*

Taira: come in*sulk*


Taira: oh hey is it that time where i get mocked for failing something easy?

Taka: what no I just came here  with some milk to help with the effects but if you don't wa-

Taira:*grabs milk and chugs it* thanks dude

Taka:no problem I shall take my leave now

Taira:wait*grabs sleeve* can you stay please I already know mondo's gonna be busy helping chi and ona with ryota so can you?

Taka:*tomato face*s-s-sure *sits down by her bed*

Taira:*lies down and starts to feel sleepy but still holds takas hand* thank you *zzz*

Sonia, maki, mahiru, hiyoko, mikan, akane, nekomaru, angie and teruteru are all either in groups or in their rooms to lazy to type them


He spent the time drinking panta and trying to get himiko to either show him magic or cuddle with him

Kokichi: its one or the other himi PLEASE I'M IN PAIN *crocodile tears*

Himiko: fine at least if I cuddle its a win win, your pain fades for awhile and I recharge my mana

Ibuki, gundham and kazuichi

They all had a dark deva to pet to distract from pain also drinking milk until they fell asleep

Chiaki, nagito and hajime

They all played games while drinking milk

Chiaki: me and nagito tied again

Hajime:*cries in corner*


Peko tried to keep the pain under wraps but the light headedness got to her and she passed out(cause that makes sense)

Peko: huh what happened?

Fuyuhiko:*walks in* hey what the fuck was that?

Peko: what do you mean?

Fuyuhiko: you passed out , Peko seriously why didn't you say anything

Peko:yo-fuyuhiko I don't understand why you are so worried about a tool, I am easily replaceabl-MMM?!

Fuyuhiko: *pulls away from the kiss* the gang may think your an replaceable object but to me? I don't think I could live with anyone else peko, your priceless(*cries* i love these 2 so much)

Peko: *tomato face*

Fuyuhiko: *his actions dawn on him* OH SHIT SORRY I'LL LEAVE YOU REST*runs out the door*


Kiibo didn't know what to do so he just kinda just malfunctioned a bit until he remembered what to do


Kiibo: sorry Miu*sulks*


Ryota has very low pain tolerance so lets just say a carton of milk was gone in 2 minutes

Ona: this is why you don't spend endless hours without proper care

Ryota: hey I'll be ok as long as you help me

Ona:*soft giggle* dork

Taira through the wall, 2 minutes before taka came in: THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH REALLY?!


With the ok from his sister, Mondo stayed with chihiro until the pain went away

Chihiro:you don't have to stay you know I'll be fine, besides aren't you worried about taira?

Mondo: hey calm down, I'm worried about both of you besides taka's on his way to help her


Since Kaito felt like this was his fault, he stayed to help, despite protests from shuichi

Shuichi: kaito, I'll be fine for one minute

Kaito:the only way your escaping me is sleep

Shuichi:*proceeds to yawn* well how convenient

Kaito: fine nap time for you then

Shuichi: *nearly asleep*

Kaito: *goes up to shuichi and kisses his cheek* night shu *leaves room*

Shuichi: *after kaitos gone* fuck

Ika and ryoma

Ika insisted that ryoma and gonta all stay in the same place but Ika fell asleep five minutes after

Gonta: Gonta has a question for ryoma

Ryoma:sure what is it?

Gonta: does ryoma love ika?

Ryoma: heh shoulda known this would come up, while i do have feelings for her she sees me like a brother

Gonta: oh ok

Ryoma:in all honesty, if she liked anyone that way it would be you

Gonta: huh really?!

Ryoma:I wouldn't lie about something as sensitive as this but its only my guess, could be wrong


Ok I should've called this chapter wholesomeness, anyway I have an announcement,  I will not be accepting dares for a little while, only asks because its a bit off balance with the numbers anyway that's that bye bye

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