Time. Its a measure in which events take place that make us, shape us, or break us. There categorized in three groups. Past, present, and the future. By the time we do anything its already in the past. It takes about eight milliseconds for the brain to process things. So then aren't we living in the past all the time? Without time we wouldn't be here. It controls our life. Theres a certain time in which one applies to a college, start paying their own taxes, and when its time to settle down and start a family. All of these are determined by other periods of time. The biggest, the time we are born. Once we run out of time, well, thats it.

We can tell time has gone by, by noticing change. Trees growing, rusting of metals, how the new car smell starts to fade away, and the change in ones appearance. Thats how we can tell a two year old from a fourteen year old. Obviously.

But where am I going with this? Like I said its everything.

Within the past two years I have been through hell a few times and back. Its all a waiting game for me. I was always waiting for the next break out, praying that it wouldn't be that bad. Trust me I tried to help, but things only got worse when I tried.

"Rae?... Rae. Hello?" He shook me a little. "Thats her name isn't it?"

People say things happen for a reason. I think thats a bunch of bullsh-.

"Raelyn!" I snapped out of the deep clouds of my thoughts. My head snapped towards the teacher. He stood in front of the smart board. His glasses were on the tip of his nose. It contrasted with his salt and pepper goatee and short buzz cut hair. "Dozing off again?"


"Sorry Mr. Harper." I gripped my pencil in between my middle and index finger. The bell then rang telling everyone to go home.

"Remember our test is tomorrow and you have a report due tonight before eleven fifty five. If I see changes after that time you will get a zero and you have detention. And Raelyn do me a favor and get some sleep."

"That seems futile doesn't it Mr. Harper?"

He laughed.

"I guess if you procrastinate, yes."

"You caught me." I slung my army patterned backpack over my shoulder. The hallways were a lot more lively today compared to Monday through Thursday. The school colors of Auburn High School lined the floors, white and blue.

"HEY!" Someone yelled behind me. They hit me from behind. I looked back to see Taylor. She smiled wide. Her eyes always drenched with light when she was out of class. "We hanging with the crew today? You, me, John, Caitlin, and Peter?"

"I don't know, I have to pick my brother up from school."

"Aww dude, the little man. He can come with us!"

"Your kidding right?" I raised one eyebrow at her.

"Of course. Its just this is the fourth time you bailed on us. I mean aren't you worried about Peter?"

I stopped walking.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when was your last date with him?"

"I don't know, almost a month ago?"

"Exactly! Aren't you afraid of losing him?" There was a certain gleam in her eyes. Her and peter had been friends since the third grade. Shes one of the reason why I met him.

"Of course I am. But he's not going to leave I know him." A sense of uneasiness sat on my spine. Him and I had been through so much. Loosing him was never something that crossed my mind. Was that selfish?

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