ch 17

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Atiana POV

I began rubbing my temples because right now I was annoyed I didnt want to talk about this it was dumb we were going to get no were with this I thought as daishey continued her story

So she was only two years old when first admitted into the home her mom only left her a letter explaining to her bunch of excuses an bullshit mistakes and a necklace they both share as you see in the picture.....when atiana got older she was given the letter which only made matters worse Tia spent her time running in an out of these homes till one day she met the infamous chris wesley


Authors note:

Sorry you guys I don't mean to confuse you but his name is Chris Wesley not trayvon Wesley as stated in the first chapter I'm going to go back an change the chapters that had the mistake


The Chris in jail? Her old ex? Ice asked

Yes him an you already know the story to that well probably part of it no need to go into detail

What'd the letter state? Ice asked

Umm tiana you wanna explain daishey asked

Yea well basically kenla said she couldn't keep me I was a burden for her right now no one knew of me in the family because she was really young when she had me an my grandma made sure that the family name would not faulter because of it so she did give me up for adoption for her own selfish reasons Yea she's young an dumb but I know for sure if I were to have a kid at what 15 then I would most definitely keep it I mean really its a part of me! I would feel some type of way if I gave up the best thing that ever happened to me i beleive that god put everyone here for a reason maybe he had a plan ya know anyway that's the dumbest excuse I'd ever heard of from any human being anyways at the end of the note kenla said that she would come back for me when she was of age to take care of me at the end of the note it said love kenlanay i seen no type of love in that note that is the worst lie you could tell someone their was a picture inside the bottom of the envelope with her smiling with me in her hands like she actually loved me both of us wearing the same necklace I'm guessing she forgot about me I chuckled I mean really she's living life to the fullest she has a kid probably a husband an happy I don't wanna ruin such an occasion I was her fuck up

Baby girl you weren't a fuck up maybe theirs more to the story i jus cant beleive auntie kenla would do such a thing shit jus don't add up cmon we gotta get to the bottom of dis ice said getting to hype for my taste

I began texting back Kay telling him to come get me

Sooo You guys want some food?

They looked at me like I grew two heads

I really didn't wanna talk about it no more because the situation was going no were and I'm a stickler for my time being waisted I got up to throw my trash away

I grabbed my bags

Well.....are y'all just gone sit their?

I walked towards the door waiting on Kay I heard them come up behind me

So what you gonna do u finally have family an ur not gonna take advantage of the situation an meet them? Daishey asked

I have all the family I need an plus one I smiled at my new addition not that a title makes anything different I smiled at her

An ice rolled her eyes an crossed her arms

Nahh u know what I mean you needa put some serious thought into this you have potential family you should really meet them an see wassup

Nahhh I'm fine jus how my life is right now I'm not ready to meet nobody right now I said as caiden pulled up he got out an opened my door an put my bags in the trunk they both got in the back he looked at me with surprise in his eyes I almost forgot about my new addition

Bae you like? I questioned as I twirled for him to see

Damn bae u look so damn good I smiled as I reached for him to pick me up he sat me in the front he got back in his side as I kissed him on the cheek then held his face an smooshed his face an kissed his soft plushy lips

Well damn I missed you to as he pulled the car out of park an dropped daishey off then headed to ice god parents house before she closed the door she said all I'm saying is to put some serious thought into it I won't talk to auntie kenla about it if you don't approve I'll text you later on ight

Yea ice I hear ya I said adjusting my neck pillow Kay got for me a while back an put my pink beats earphones on an continued my movie Kay also got for me for the long rides as ice closed the door
What y'all think should she meet family
What'd Kay get her?
Wow she's so spoiled by him so cute

lovely read at own risk not edited (urban)Where stories live. Discover now