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Caiden POV

I got on then she got on sitting up in the seat so I grabbed her arms an put them around my waist so she wouldn't fall off and I started it up I heard I slight squeal from behind me an I smirked knowing it was her an began out the parking lot and on the road. I was deep in thought about how ima find my way to the top here I mean I think Rodriguez got my packages over here so I can get my moves tonight before the meeting so I decide to stop by my trap since im right by it since I'm in the neighborhood an I kinda like hang in wit ol' girl I parked by the house

Ewww boy were am I this ain't ice house

Girl be quite asking all dem damn questions now is u stayin in or out or you coming with

Boi I will pop you to next Tuesday if you ever tell me to be quite I said as I got out an followed him

Whatever ion feel like arguing with yo crazy ass I said as I came cross my new securities on the porch I hired this summer to watch who comes by the trap  yes they look like a bunch of lowlifes sitting round  watching everything but really in all reality you step to them without the right intentions my orders is to shoot whoever isn't welcome

I came up an dapped them up an said every thing going good right

Yeah boss Rodriguez came by an dropped  miley off

I nodded an pulled Tia in front of me by the waist as I see all four of the guys staring at her like a peice of fresh meat like damn thirsty ass niggas gon make me do sumum they not ready for before I could speak Tia beat me to it


I walked up the porch as all eyes were on me and I really don't like being stared at so I had to say shit looking at the big one I began

Fat ass bitch stop starin at me damn don't y'all know it's rude to stare.... gahlee thirsty ass dog an caiden you got me standing up here like I'm wanna yo hoe's or sum shit can't even introduce me so these thirsties won't be drooling an shit dey better know who tf I am before they start shit they can't finish they don't run you df I see disrespect already sum shit I don't tolerate for no one ion care who you are

As soon as I said ish all three of them except the fourth got up like they was gonna do sumum then caiden pulled me to him by my waist for some reason I felt secure in his arms I loved that feeling fr

Caiden POV

Boss is there a problem? The big buff one had said like he wasn't just licking his lips an winking at Tia

Nahh I see no problem except y'all cant focus on why tf y'all here not to be drooling over my girl right here df I do see a problem actually I pulled out my gun an got real close to the big one putting my gun at his head while he stood tryna look unfazed I looked him in the eye an said keep playin you all obviously don't know who tf y'all fxckin wit but from now on dont make no eye contact or even look at my girl here I'm not playing no games wit y'all I'm the of boss do I make myself MF CLEAR! All three of the incompetence said yes sir as soon as I heard what I needed to hear I hit big one with the butt of my gun as he fell an got up rubbing his head (mental note don't trust big bitch made ass nigga right here) an said now get back to work I said as I grabbed Tia again an walked right in passing the naked girls doing their jobs packing my shit up while I got people watching them making sure they don't steal I went straight to my office as I see Cree an my boys telling them to meet me in my office in about 5 minutes as I walk in my office I sit in my chair behind the desk pulling Tia to my lap

Atiana POV

Boi I can sit in my own seat i got back up we not together df last time I checked only couples do tht shxt my emotions are not to be fxcked with. Remember I don't like you I tolerate you I said kinda regretting those words as he pulled me back in his lap an pulling me close enough so I was close enough that his mouth was to my ear

Listen obviously I like having you around for sum reason and I'm trying to figure it out but you can't see that through,really girl if I was trying to fxck I would have been took yo ass home he said through clenching teeth but calmed down when I raised an eyebrow an opened my mouth ready to go off, but I think I'm starting to like you that's the part that shut me up-> your very different then everyone else your not a hoe or an easy fxck, believe it or not I'm drawn a little to you by ur attitude it's sexy asf on you esp wen a girl can hold hers down. Look I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me because I'm gonna be around very often wether you like it or not so can a nigga get a chance to hit it or nahh he bust out laughin as my face scrunched up nahhh ma I'm jus kidding I'm kidding damnn but can I get a chance as at least a friend??  :/ soon as I was going to reply their was a couple knocks at his door hmmph prolly the guys he asked earlier. Then he said come in as I adjusted myself in his lap.........

HMMMM wat y'all think???

Should she befreind him atleast???

Wow caiden don't play he fxcked it up real quick!

Do u trust big  security guy??

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