part 1.

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"Wich room Wich room" you kept on repeating "it says right here that I'll be staying in room 701 but I can't find it" you look up "well nevermind found it" you open the door and all eyes are on you "hi I'm y/n the new student who is going to b staying here" the dog closest to you speaks "oh well I'm jack the white fluffy dog is callot and the wolf is legosi (I fucking suck at names and currently have no service to look up how to spell so deal with the horrible name butchering also forgot the foxes name so you are taking his place) " nice to meet a fellow dog nice to see a husky you don't see any of those now" you look at him with a confused look " ohh it's because I'm so short well sorry to burst your bubble jack but like your tall friend here I'm a wolf" he looks so surprised to here this " I'm so sorry it's that your so small compared to legosi that I thought you were a husky" " no it's okay other animals do it all the time your not the first and certainly not the last. So were will I be sleeping? "Above legosi" you walk over to the bunk bed and throw your stuff on it unfortunately you overshot it and all you stuff spilled out of your bag well shit you think all of your lyrics and notes fall out. Legosi goes and picks one up and it's a lyric paper "what's this? " Oh that is just my paper that I write lyrics on" he looks suprised no carivore has ever tried to be a singer on the count of possible going feral and eating a fan "so your singer" " yep I do it mostly because it's distracting fun and have been told I have a good voice" " huh a carnivore singer never have herd of one but that would be nice to have one" said jack you all hear the lunch bell ring "welp looks like it's time for us to go to lunch" you all go out to the lunch room and get your lunches and sit down.soon after your lunch is disturbed by a fox trying to get a red deer male you get up and quickly stop the fix from hurting the other male "what the fu- "I've heard he has an important play to be in so him getting injured wouldn't be good" he looks at you with a smug look "oh and what's a half pint like you gonna do" you laugh "oh nothing you might wanna stop before your next" you smile at him with a mouthful of blood he says a bit shaken " oh like a shorty can even remotely hurt me" " I advise you make your next desision carefully" he just laughs and trys to attack the deer again " I warned you" you pick him up and throw him into a wall knocking him out "welp that took care of that dick" you turn to the deer who had a shocked expression on his face it quickly turns into a a more stern one " your joining the drama club" "what no-. "You joining and that's final I'll just get legosi to drag you to the club anyways" " of course but I'm only in art " " deal" and just like that he walks away jack comes up to you " how did you get a mouthful of blood anyways? " Oh it's my blood" "oh I was wondering ho-WAIT WHAT?! " Like I said it's my blood its nothing bad or anything so we're good anyway see you guys tomorrow" you walk away to your classes later that night you thought of a way to get back at the deer and you had the best idea too. You were up all night making a song for his little club

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