Chapter 2 - Questions and Headquarters

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3rd POV

Barton was leading the group of. . Dimension hoppers was it? Or was it Fictional Dimension Hoppers? Fuck it, he has no fucking clue.

The young female (with two kids, how the fuck can that teen have TWO kids?) then they literally threw that Loki of Asgard across the room.

A part of him wants to say fuck it and shoot them all but if these guys will be helpful like Fury seemingly thinks (unless he plans to try to lock them up) then they'll be useful.

Though the fact that the girl mentioned dying being disorienting makes him wonder if they even can die. What the fuck would they do if they can't die? Fucking hell.

They traveled 10 more miles on foot, but none of them seemed tired except for the woman/teen (being carried by Tyler was it? Or was it something else?) and the kids (who were sleeping on a gigantic wolves back that becomes a naked man mind you).

Barton sighs, the people walking with him are quiet and it almost makes him nervous, how many times have they done this?

Barton got a ding on his phone

From Fury

To Barton: on your location, a vehicle is coming to pick you up and bring you straight to headquarters.

He put his hand up and they all stopped, no one spoke.

Two Jeeps pulled up Agent Hill in one and Agent Coulson driving the other.

Damon grabs Elena from Tyler's back and carry's her bridal style to the second Jeep, climbing into the back with her on his lap.

Klaus grabs Jane from Paul's back and sits in the second Jeep as well. Alec wakes and climbs onto Klaus' lap beside his sister as well. Jasper takes the seat in the front by Coulson.

Paul shifts and walks to Agent Hills Jeep. Her eyes are wide in surprise at the sight of the now wolf being an all very naked male. Kol and Kai sit in the back.

There was no small talk on the way there. Elena was extremely tired and her mates were worried. Why is she so tired? She never was like this when it happened before so why now?
3rd POV

When they arrived the first thing Agent Hill did was get this Paul guy some clothes. They don't need a naked guy running around after all.

Elena was walking- a bit wabbly, she just woke. As she looks around she sees that both of her kids are sleeping right now.

Her kids, it's almost an odd concept and reminiscent of before. In a way it makes her sad, hurt and also joyful. It's an odd mixture of things.

Jasper can feel Elenas mood fluctuate and it concerns him, he wonders what she could be thinking about.

Elena begins exploring the building, walking through the corridors, they are quite busy after all.

She ends up getting upstairs, don't ask how, she honestly has no idea. What Elena wants to do is find Fury, she likes him, he's funny.

Or to her Fury is funny anyways. So what does she do? She skips down the hall until she sees one of those security buttons or a passcode entering thing.

Whatever it's called.

Fury asks annoyed "You ever been in a war, Councilman? In a firefight? Did you feel an overabundance of control?"

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