Chapter 12 - Doctor Banner

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3rd POV

They were sitting in the lab at Stark Industries waiting for Bruce to get done with the blood tests. She can't die, they already know that. But if she can get sick then what else can happen?

After the Battle Of New York just hours before they've been feeling anxious. None of them are certain about what's wrong. Tyler believes that she's pregnancy, some of the others think that it's more likely to be a bad side effect of the ritual that happened months ago.

Tony is standing against the wall in the lab with his brow frowned in thought as the universe travelers talk amongst themselves. He knows that none of them are gods, but he knows that they drink blood, well, not all of them do.

Fury is standing outside of the lab with Steve, Natasha and Clint while they wait for the testing to be completed. The witch twins are talking to Thor and Seth about their over thousand years of life while stuck as sparkling vampires.

Banner lets out a sigh, he tested it three times just to make sure, she's pregnant. Turning towards her and the other mates in the room he walks over and smiles a little.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."

Elena's mouth pops open in shock as her mates look at her in surprise, in a shaky voice she asks "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I checked it three times just to make sure."

Elena bites her lip as her heart thunders in her chest, she doesn't fear having children. But to give birth without her mother seems horrifying all on its own.

"Okay." She says with a small smile. "Thank you Dr. Banner."

"Just call me Bruce please." He says with a chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck, "I can feel your anxiety, do you want to talk about it?"

Elena bites her lip again as Kol and Kai grab her hand gently "My mom won't be here, she was always there when I gave birth. Once my sister was as well and I just. ."

"You feel scared." Tony says from the other-side of the room. "We can all feel it, but we'll offer you support. All of us will."

"We're here for you love." Klaus says and then chuckles lightly, "Pregnant, I didn't expect that."

"Me either. It's a good thing that you didn't get hurt during the battle, who knows what would've happened to the baby." Paul adds with a frown.

Wrapping her arms around her stomach protectively she frowns, she can't handle the thought of harm coming to babies or children, she just can't.

"The baby is fine Lena." Damon says as he crunches down in front of her and looks at her eyes. "The baby didn't get hurt okay?"

"I know" she tells him softly as she frowns, she made it very clear while she was stuck with her first husband that she'd kill him if he ever harmed a child. "I can't, no one will hurt them ever."

"Of course not Darling, if someone tries to then we will kill them." Kol says sternly.

"Any children we have will be protected."

Elena lets out a sigh, no one has ever hurt her children before and while these men aren't dangerous to her or her children her mother isn't there just in case something happens to her. But she trusts them to be able to watch them if god forbid something happens to her now that she. .

"Good, because if they're hurt I'll kill anyone who harms them. Anyone." She says as she lets out a long sigh.

"Our mother will help you with the birthing if you'd like or one of your friends."

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