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Part IV Self-Proclaimed Book Member of the House of Lords

Turnis Befaren Part 1

 "I was able to do it!" I praised the Finile with the Rohderich on it. This is the start when Firine gets off.I remove my sight from the back seat and fasten my seat belt.

 At that time, Rohderich made a disturbing, screaming voice and stopped Philine from getting out of Lesser Bas.

"Filine ..."

"That, Rohderich. Unless you let me go, I can't get off."

 Looking in the rear-view mirror, I saw Roederich holding onto Filine's hand. Filine looks very embarrassed when she compares Roderich who is holding her hand with me who ordered me to be away.

 I exhaled lightly. Rohderrich is surely reassured that there was a Filine who pulled me to ride the beast. In that case, it is enough if the Filine is also on board.

"Finene, you can ride it, so please tell Roderich how to wear your seat belt."

"Eh? Am I allowed to accompany me?"

 I nodded lightly to the eye-filling Filine. I'm also worried about having one uncomfortable Rohderich in the back seat. You had better stay with someone. 

"Rohderich is not yet my aide. He is not a knight but a watchman. But never leave this beast."


 I began to cast magical powers on the steering wheel as I watched Philine smile in the rear happily. It is a one-handed operation that seems a little dangerous because it holds a water gun in one hand.

"Oh, Rosemine, I am ..."

"Loderich, I'm going!"

 Intercepting Rohderich's words, which seemed to be about to get off, I rushed to the air after my first Cornelius brother.

 Speed ​​up to the collection site, which emits a yellow light. It's not so far from the dormitory, so I immediately started to see a collection of glowing columns in the snowy woods. It can be seen from the air that a black streak appears after the passage of Tarnis Befferen toward the collection site.

 However, I can't see the knights who were fighting first. Maybe you're in a collection place that looks like a magic mirror.

"I'll rush!"

 Cornelius said so loudly and plunged into the collection site. I chase after a fluttering ocher cloak, and I jump into the collection site with a lesser squirrel.

 Just a moment through the barrier, the landscape changed from a snow scene to a state of no snow.However, unlike my memory, the gathering place where the medicinal plants and trees were lush was ruined by Tarnis Befferen, and about a quarter of it was decayed. It seemed to be a pond of black sludge, not green of plants or brown of trees, not just bare soil.


"Nobody! Where are you !?"

 I was relieved by the voice of Cornelius, who can tell that I was impatient. There is no figure of Tarnis Beveren who has devastated this place. I can't find any knight apprentices.

"You've probably guided Tannis Beveren somewhere to protect the collection site. Get out of there and look for it."

 Cornelius, who nodded at Leonore's words, jumped out of the collection site. I also followed Cornelius, thinking bitterly about the tragedy of this place.

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