Just Another Day

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Jeremy's POV

I heard my alarm go off and rolled out of bed. I checked my clock to see that it was 7:30 already and I'm going to be late for school. I put on my clothes and head to the bathroom to get ready.

As I was combing my hair in the mirror I stared at my face, it had freckles scattered around it, was this why he broke up with me? Whenever I find a flaw I always think that is the real reason he did. Michael said we were better off as friends but I have a feeling that isn't why at all.

I grabbed my backpack and put it on, I started to walk to the bus stop. I saw Christine, Jake, Rich, Jenna and a couple of my other classmates.. but no Michael. He's probably just sick Jeremy there's nothing to worry about. Actually there's a lot to worry about, he could be hurt or like EXTREMELY sick instead of just regular sick??

The bus arrived and I sat down by a window. I started to gaze outside and think for a bit. What if he hates me, what if he just dated me as a joke? No, Michael wouldn't do that.. at least not the Michael I know. A lot changed since we started dating, and well.. broke up, I'm not sure if I even know the real Michael anymore.

All these thoughts are cramped in my head and the bus comes to a halt. I drag myself out of my seat and head to the bus door, I almost trip on my way out but I manage to keep my balance, I still hear some snickers from people inside.
"Move along, you're in the way!"

I was so caught up on being on time, I forgot to eat some breakfast.. oh well. I scurry to my first class and take a seat.

Time Skip to lunch.

I hear the bell and get out of my seat, first period is over. As I walk to the cafeteria I stay hunched over and stare at the floor, occasionally glancing to either side of me, hoping no one notices I'm even here.

"Hey Jeremy!"
Christine walks over to me grasping some papers.
"Have you seen Michael, he's been absent all day."
"I was wondering if you could give these assignments to him?"
"O-oh, sure."

Ugh it's going to be even more awkward when I have to face him again. Wait is Christine why he broke up with you? What no... I mean I liked her before we were a thing but I've lost my feelings for her anyway..
"You know what just shut up!"
I said that out loud.

A couple of people's heads turn to look at me and I flush a bright pink hue. Ugh, why are you like this? I head to a table that no one has seemed to sit at. Michael and I usually sit here, but since he's 'sick', I'm all alone.

Time Skip to after school.

I toss my backpack to the side of my bedroom and lay on my bed. All of a sudden I hear my phone ring. It was one of Michael's moms.
"Hi, is Jeremy there?"
"Yeah, it's Jeremy."
"Michael's been in a horrible accident."

To be continued...

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