Road To Recovery

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It's been a week since I first met with Michael at the hospital and things have been.. weird to say the least. I know he's still Michael and all but something about him seems a bit off? He doesn't really seem as interested in things as he was before, I mean hey, what if I'm just overanalizing things.

He got out of the hospital but he's in a wheelchair which sucks but at least he recovered a bit. We were supposed to meet up at his place after school (now). I'm at his door nervously walking around the entrance, and wondering what to say.

"Jeremy is that you?"
One of Michael's moms opened the door, she must've seen me outside.
"Are you alright?"
She asked.
"Yup, sorry uh- Is Michael here?"
"Mhm, you can come on in."

I stepped into the house and I went up to Michael room he was just sitting there, scrolling through his phone left-handed.

"Hey Michael."
"Hey Jeremy! What's up?"
He slipped down his headphones to his neck and turned to look at me.
"Nothing much, just school things."
"Same here- Well I'm not at school but just doing school work."
He laughed.
"Yeah you must be busy, do you know when you're gonna be able to come back?"
"I'm not too sure probably this week since I'm out of the hospital, I actually learned how to use my left hand so I guess I'm ambudextrous now."
"That's actually cool" I sat down on his bed and continued. "Sorry if this sounds Uh- rude or anything but how much do you remember?"
"It's not really rude" He giggled again "Well, I remember who I am and my interests.. and you of course!"
"Well like, do you remember any conversations or events that may be.. important..?"

God I sound like a doctor or something. Ugh, I'm such an idiot what did I even get myself into.. What if he knows and he just wont tell me? No, that's probably not it, guess I just have to roll with it now.

"Well, not anything too important I guess. I mean if there was something like that I would probably remember it."
"Yeah, that's true."
"I've been so totally bored, there isn't much to do with only one hand, I can't even play video games!"
He gave me a fed up look.
"That sucks, maybe when your arm gets better we can play something together?"
"Yeah, I'd like that"
He smiled.

Time skip to 2 hours later

"I should probably head out now, it was nice seeing you again." I said.
"Yeah buddy, you know you can come any time right?"
"Heh, yeah. Cya!"
I pointed finger guns at him and almost headed out the door when he grabbed my arm.
He kissed me on the cheek..
I flushed a bright red.
I headed out the door and walked home.

Time skip to back at home

I walked into my house and it seemed my dad wasn't home yet. I layed down on my bed and put in my earphones. I opened YouTube only to see "Top 10 Signs You're Toxic" and "How to know if you're a bad partner" show up on my recommended.

Maybe this was a bad idea, it should've been Michael's decision to stay with me. Half of me knows I'm being a bad person, I should be honest with him and stop. The other half keeps pushing me forward and be selfish.. I don't know what to do anymore.

He'll figure it out eventually and I won't have an excuse.. Unless.. I'll just make him fall in love with me again! I mean he's kinda clueless right now and he doesn't remember much right? Then that'll make things okay, it'll go back to the way things use to be!

Or will it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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