A Visit.

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"What happened to him?? Is he alright?"
I couldn't help but feel extremely guilty, this is all my fault, maybe I should've called sooner? I'm such an idiot. Stupid. Stupid.
"He's at the hospital right now, he woke up a while ago but is asleep again. We were wondering if you could pay him a visit?"
"Right, I'll be on my way."

I was about to go to the bus stop before I remembered the assignments. I decided to just get a paper clip to hold them together instead of bringing the backpack for less weight. I left a note on my bed so my dad knows where I went.

Hey dad,
I'm going to visit Michael, he's sick and at the hospital.
Be back soon.

I just said he was sick instead of explaining everything, I had to hurry. I mean I hope he's not dead.. Wait why would he be dead? A lot of people die from "incidents" who knows what even happened to him, your best friend could be gone forever.. He's going to be okay, right?

Time Skip to the hospital lobby

I sat in one of the seats at the lobby, the walls were painted a baby blue and there weren't too many people around. I bounced my leg up and down anxiously, I really hope he's okay. There was a cool breeze coming from a fan in the room, it did help calm my nerves.

"Mr. Heere, Michael is ready to see you."
As I was making my way to the nurse I tripped over my own feet again except this time I didn't catch my balance. The papers I had put into a pile slipped out of the paper clipping and flew away. The nurse caught some of them and I still had a few in my arms.
"You should be careful with those, they look important."
She smiled.
"Y-yeah, thanks.

The nurse led me to a room with the numbers "1989" on them. She opened the door and I see Michael wearing hospital PJs sitting up on the bed. He had a broken arm, leg and a couple bruises on his head.

"Hey Michael."
"Hey Buddy."
He waved at me with his working arm.

"He got into a car crash after he drunk drove. Luckily he is still alive, although Michael does have amnesia. He does remember some of his memories but only a few like his identity and friends. Hopefully it is not permanent and things come back to him eventually. I'll leave you two to talk for a bit."
She walked out of the room.
(Sorry if this isn't how amnesia works it's just for plot convenience. ;_;)

"Michael do you remember me?"
Please say yes please say yes.
"Kind of.. your name is Jeremy right?"
"Well I know we play video games together and we are friends somehow."
"Phew." I sighed under my breath.

Jeremy this is your chance. What chance? You can be with him again.. Like, lying? I can't do that! He'll never forgive me.. I mean he won't mind will he?.. when he gets his memories back he'll realise he shouldn't have ended it and you'll be happy.. Maybe it's alright I mean what's the worst that could happen..

"Well, uh- you probably don't remember this but we were together.."
"I mean I can kind of picture it. I don't know how a cute guy would like me though, haha."
I flushed red, what the heck happened to Michael.
"I- thanks."
I scratched the back of my neck.
"Well, could you help fill me in?"
He smiled brightly and tapped his bed.
I sat down and took a breath.

"Well we used to play video game together.. like Apocalypse of the Damned.. You loved slushies and sushi thought I still think they aren't the best combination."
I laughed.
"We go to the same school- speaking of school, a girl from our school Christine told me to give you some assignments. Well I mean I hope you remember the subjects- sorry I'm dumb."
I placed them on the drawer next to the bed.
"Pff you're not dumb.. I mean I think at least."
We both giggled.
"It's good to know you're okay now."
"You know after I heal we should definitely hang out again."
"Totally, I should probably get going, my dad might be home already."
"Alright, see ya later Jeremy!"
"Bye.. I.. Love you!.."
I walked out the door, why did you have you have to say that Jeremy? Ugh.

Time Skip to back at home

My dad was sitting on the sofa.
"Hey Jeremy, is Michael okay?"
"Yeah, he's alright. I'm going to go upstairs to get a head start on some homework."
"Alright kiddo."

I went upstairs, opened my room door and laid on my bed.

What are you doing Jeremy?

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