They Meet Again

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The unexpected heart-to-heart conversation between Ih Na and Rae Won really deepened their friendship

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The unexpected heart-to-heart conversation between Ih Na and Rae Won really deepened their friendship. Outside their "photospread assignment", they were spending a lot more time together, doing the randomest of things coupled with even deeper conversations about their aspirations, their fears and even the future.

Rae Won knew that it was impossible for him not to fall for Ih Na, but he tried his very best to simply remain a friend. Even if he looked forward to seeing her every single day, even if he thought about sending her a text message right after they would part ways, even if he wanted to gaze and admire her beauty everytime she spoke, he had to remain a friend.

She had just broken up with her long-time boyfriend. She was vulnerable. She needed more time for herself. Rae Won knew all of that, which was why he kept his true feelings to himself.

He wasn't intending on telling anybody else, not even Bom So, but the latter knew him too well.

"You're going to melt your handphone with that gaze." Bom So teased, as he noticed Rae Won staring at a few stolen shots that he had of Ih Na on his phone. "You do know that at some point, you'll have to tell her that you like her, right?" He added.

Rae Won sighed as he put his phone away. There was no point in denying the truth to his best friend anyway.

"Well, I'm trying my hardest for it not to reach that point." Rae Won replied.

"Rae Won ah, you know that's not possible." Bom So said. "You see each other almost every day. You eat together, laugh together, engage in all those deep and meaningful conversations with each other. I mean, I haven't met Ih Na yet but she seems like a really nice person aaaaaaaand she's seems just like your type of person."

Rae Won sighed again.

"Eotteokhaeyo (What should I do)?" He uttered.

"Mollayo (I don't know)." Bom So answered. "But I just hope that you don't end up having such a hard time. I hate seeing you all heartbroken. You, of all people, don't deserve it." He added, patting his best friend's back.

Suddenly, Bom So's phone buzzed to life. It was a text message from Yong Hwa, saying that he was already at the ramen place nearby.

Tonight was the night that three friends were meeting to catch up.

"Yong Hwa's at the restaurant already." Bom So said. "I'll just close up, and then let's go?"


The ramen place was just a 10 minute walk from Happy Bread. As soon as Bom So and Rae Won arrived, they were ushered by a waitress to a table near the window. There sat Yong Hwa, still in his corporate attire, looking all stiff and formal, but as soon as he had locked eyes with his high school friends, he finally loosened up.

"Bom So ya! Rae Won ah!" He said, greeting his friends with masculine hugs.

Despite the warmth in Yong Hwa's greeting, Rae Won couldn't quite fathom why he had suddenly felt uneasy. He wasn't normally like this to friends he hasn't seen in a really long time, but with Yong Hwa, there was some sort of awkward atmosphere. The fact they weren't the closest of friends back in high school, and had only been acquainted through Bom So, might have been a factor to the awkwardness, but there was something more to it and Rae Won could only hope that it would not affect their friendship.

"So, how are you guys?" Yong Hwa asked. "Well, I know my pal Bom So right here owns a bakery. But what about you, Rae Won? I heard you're some... photographer? Am I right?"

"Neh (Yes)." Rae Won answered.

"Ahhh... so you basically just take pictures right?" Yong Hwa said, sounding a bit off.

Rae Won smiled in return.

"Well yes, just like you basically just cooking, right?"

Bom So looked at both his friends as he noticed their sarcastic exchange of words. This wasn't the kind of "catching up" that he had imagined, and he knew that he had to do something to alleviate the situation.

"Ohhh kuraeyo (okay)," Bom So began after clearing his throat. "Anyway, Yong Hwa, you've been looking pretty dapper lately. Are you seeing anyone?" He asked.

"Well, I've been dating around." The latter shrugged. "But I did have a girlfriend. A long time girlfriend actually. We were supposed to get married, but nah. I broke things off."

"O, chincha (Really)? Waeyo (Why)?" Bom So asked curiously.

"Well you know, after seven years, things just got boring." Yong Hwa said, taking his first shot of soju. "I mean, she was a really nice girl, understood me quite well, but then we just reached the crossroads of our relationship, and I chose to end it." He added.

"Aren't decisions like that supposed to be difficult to make?" Rae Won suddenly said. "You literally spent almost a decade together, which means that you've most probably seen each other in your highs and lows. You even considered getting married to her." He added. "How is it so easy for you to leave her like that?"

"I guess I just didn't need her anymore." Yong Hwa said harshly. "You see, ever since I was promoted to head chef in the old restaurant I used to work in, my life became so fast-paced. I was getting a lot of offers from other restaurants, meeting a lot of people... so I guess you could say that she just didn't fit in, so I had to end it."

Rae Won's fists balled up as he heard Yong Hwa's explanation. It was as clear as the moon in the night sky that this guy was a jerk.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound rude, but aren't you afraid of karma?" Rae Won asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm pretty sure that in those seven years, your girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend, did nothing but love and support you throughout all the phases of your life." Rae Won began. "You obviously weren't being fair to her when you decided to drop her like hot potatoes simply because your life was starting to become so fast-paced. As her boyfriend, shouldn't you have helped her adjust to it? Aren't you afraid that you might not meet someone like her again?"

"Rae Won ah, gumanhaeyo (Rae Won, stop)." Bom So said.

"Ani (No), let's keep making our dear Rae Won talk." Yong Hwa teased sarcastically. "Why are you so affected anyway? Is it because you happen to know my ex-girlfriend?"

"Museun soriya (What are you talking about)?" Rae Won asked, genuinely confused.

Yong Hwa laughed.

"Oh come, Rae Won. You really don't know who it is?" He asked. "Kurae (Alright), I'll give you a hint." He added.

"Love Korea. Editor in chief." Yong Hwa said, now with a serious look on his face.

"Soo. Ih. Na."

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