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I sat in my room by the window. Waiting for him.

An hour went by and no sign of San. A feeling of worry started growing in my stomach. I stood up and looked outside my opened window, only to see a quick glimpse of creamy white fur and feel a sharp pain shooting through my arm.

"Argh! What the hell?!"

All this, followed by a horrible, low screeching coming from under my bed.

I took a glance at my arm and saw three perfectly lined up scratch marks. I then looked under my bed and saw a frightened white cat, staring at me with his eyes wide open. It was none other than San, but what made him this scared?

"Hey, it's okay! I won't hurt you..." I reached out to him with my arm as far as I could go, eventually petting him carefully on his fluffy head.

San came out from under the bed and jumped on it instead. When I blinked, the real San was sitting on my bed, looking at me with questioning expression.

"You wanted to talk?"

I gave him an 'are we gonna ignore what just happened' look and waited for him to speak up.

"I was being chased by your neighbors' dog. You could've told me they had a dog, you know? I was scared to death." San chuckled.

"Sorry, yeah, my bad..." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, partly procrastinating the real deal for which I wanted to meet up with him.

"But you had something else to talk about with me?" San sort of asked.

I chuckled awkwardly and gulped. My throat was closing up and my lips went dry. Why is confessing so hard? It's just a matter of feelings.

"Well... you see, I-" I stopped to sneeze. I almost forgot about my allergy, "sorry!"

"Bless you." He giggled. "But are you okay, though? You look like you have a fever. Let me feel your forehead." He came closer and put his hand softly on my forehead. The skin there started to itch, but that was not the most worrying thing on my mind right now.

Gosh, I'm sweating. I know I don't have a fever but at this point he'll think I'm going to pass out!

I awkwardly looked up at him and he suddenly looked down at me. I felt my cheeks heating up because of how close he was right now.
I wouldn't be lying if I said this probably looks like some dramatically romantic k-drama scene.

I swear I saw him slowly moving closer to my face, but me being the shy one, I backed away a little. "The thing I have to tell you..." I coughed. He flinched a little and also coughed in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry. Go on...?" He moved his hand in a way to tell me to continue.

"So, it's a bit awkward to tell you this, but..." I tried to hold back a sneeze and failed, making some weird snorting noise. San was shocked at first but then started laughing. We were both having a laughing fit until I stopped and just stared at him for a while.

"I love you."

After realizing what I just said, I smacked both my hands on my mouth to stop myself from saying even more things that could ruin this moment.

San's neck almost snapped to look at me. His laughter immediately stopped.

"You... what?"

I hung my head in embarrassment. Oh, how I wished to creep into a dark hole to hide from this unfair creation that I call my life! But there's no use in hiding now. So, it's better to face the truth.

After a few quick sneezes, I managed to croak out: "I love you."

I didn't look up. I didn't even look. I had my eyes closed, scared of seeing any reaction or movement that could possibly dim the tiniest spark of hope I had left in my body.

A sigh could be heard.
My heart dropped. It sounded so disappointing.

"How I wished to hear that from you much earlier.." he spoke up after a moment of silence.

I finally had the courage to open my eyes and look up at him. He was staring straight at me.

"What..?" I stuttered.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I love you too!" He shot up and pulled me into the best hug I've ever felt. The realization had yet to sink in, but the corners of my mouth were already cramping of the big smile I had on my face.

He pulled away from the hug to connect his forehead with mine, staring into my eyes. I've never seen such big sparkles in his eyes as I do now.

But they soon moved to my lips and I did the same.

As we both leaned in closer, San suddenly backed away a little. That caused me to worry about everything I just did.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Your allergy... I'll only make it worse."

"I don't care right now." I said, confidence striking me. I grabbed San by his collar and crashed his soft lips on mine. He immediately kissed back and purred, his hand finding its way onto my cheek to pull me even closer.

It felt magical. Fireworks were going off inside my body and the feeling of euphoria was spreading. I've never felt so happy and relieved in my entire life!

I slowly pulled away, secretly longing for a few more seconds to kiss him.

Another realization hit me.

"Wait... San, put your hand on my cheek again!"

And so he did.

But no itch. No urge to scratch. No upcoming sneeze.


My allergy was cured!

San realized the same and gasped.

"You don't sneeze anymore!" He laughed. And I laughed too.
I don't know how this could happen, but it did and I'm in no way ungrateful.

I pulled San into another big hug, both celebrating my freedom from the "incurable" sneezes and coughs.

I met a cat once. A friend who purred. With a kiss of true love, he cured my allergy. A not so normal life, you'd think. But I'm happy I get to spend my not so normal life with a purring friend.

~The End~

I want to thank you all so much for reading my first ever book. I'm sorry that it suddenly came to an end, I saw no point in writing it further than this. Maybe I'll try to rewrite it somewhere in the future. For now, you can check out my other book I'm busy writing with: 'The Walls' - SKZ Bang Chan x reader.
Again, thank you so much for reading and I'll see you next time! <3

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