Chapter 11

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Alexa's eyes slowly fluttered open as she released a deep sigh, not wanting to wake up yet. She felt Harry's arm snaked around her abdomen, resting on it while holding her in place flush against him. Turning her head back, she noticed that the prince was still fast asleep snuggled in behind her body. Not wanting to wake him up, Alexa silently rested her head back down onto the comfy pillow with a smile and relished the feeling of being in his arms.

The blonde had felt Harry get up a few times in the middle of the night, feeling his restless body beside her. As much as she wanted Harry to spend time with him, she knew he had hardly slept. Her mind drifted back to their conversation that turned into a bit of an argument that ended with Harry yelling angrily at Alexa. What he had said about his mother stayed with her as she replayed the conversation over in her mind wondering if thoughts of his mom were the source of keeping him awake last night.

After lying there for almost an hour with Harry showing no sign of waking up, Alexa sneaked out of his bed, cautious not to wake the sleeping prince. She made herself at home and found a few towels while tiptoeing into the bathroom to take a shower. Feeling the hot water cleanse her body it gave Alexa time to be wrapped up in her mind thinking of the last few weeks and how she had got to where she was in this moment.

A constant smile was plastered on her face as she relived the past two months with Harry. They had met at Eugenie's engagement party and immediately hit it off. Alexa wanted to keep things as only friends, but that was quickly changed once she spent more time with the prince as she developed feelings for the over protective, charming and caring Harry. Neither of them wanted to rush into things, but fate had other plans for them. They could not deny the chemistry between them and the tangible connection that they felt for one another. It was an instant attraction that Alexa was unsure would last, thinking it sourced from a place of lust. But, that attraction turned into a deeper level with Harry and now she was officially his girlfriend.

There were still fears in her mind about being with Harry, but the moment she would see him they all slipped away and happiness took its place. That was what mattered. Alexa was truly happy once again.

Alexa opened the shower door and stepped out, wrapping her wet body into a towel and left the bathroom to find Harry sitting on the edge of the bed with his back towards Alexa. His head turned back to look at her over his shoulder after hearing footsteps from behind him.

Climbing over top of his bed to get to him, Alexa wrapped her cool arms around the prince and kissed his shoulder. "Good morning, sleepy." She giggled lightly and wrapped her arms around the prince from behind.

Harry moaned tiredly in response. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" He cleared his throat.

"Pretty good..." Alexa ran her fingers through his ginger hair. "How about you?"

"I think you know the answer to that." Harry admitted. "Sorry if I kept waking you."

"It's ok." Alexa's mind went back to the middle of the night. Harry kept tossing and turning trying to get comfortable and it was only when he pulled what he thought was a sleeping Alexa into him and wrapped her in his arms, only then did he finally fall asleep.

"You showered without me?" Harry playfully shook his head at Alexa.

"Yeah..." She started to become a bit shy as she tightened her loose towel around her body. Alexa was still not comfortable yet being intimate with Harry despite every ounce of her craving for more of him at the same time. She knew Harry was ready, but Alexa needed a bit more time as she battled with the insecurities she felt inside.

Harry had been staring at the blonde this whole time while she was in an internal debate with herself, caught up in her own mind. He wanted to take the next step in their relationship, but Alexa stopped him each time before things got there. Last night, they were in a heavy lust filled make out session and she pushed him away the moment things were about to get more intimate between them. Harry wanted to talk about it with Alexa, but it was the one thing she did not want to ever discuss that made Harry believe something about her past relationship had happened to warrant such insecurities about herself.

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