00 - prologue

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a zombie apocalypse was something many people wished would happen. you'd mainly hear teenagers, even adults, imagining a world that was overrun by the dead. many games, books, movies and tv programs were made on the matter for people's entertainment.

logically though, it was impossible. sure, labs and all the science world could have things gone wrong, but there was no chance actual zombies would emerge.

instead, in this universe, there was a chance of a different type of outbreak: the nomu apocalypse.

it's probably a funny title when you first hear it, but once you see or even hear the creatures themselves, you'd be scared shitless. they vary in sizes, some growing over 8ft tall, and they vary appearances. all, however, have pointy teeth.

their whole bodies are something that makes your stomach churn upon first sight - their brains widely exposed and their horrific mouths are things people fear of. their strength is unimaginable and they extremely hard, almost unbeatable to kill.

the noises they make are from a growl fo a whole shriek, yet this all isn't even the scariest part. the worst thing about the creature is it's wings. yes, that's right. these bastards can fly.

now, i'd imagine you'd agree in a conversation where someone said "nomus are terrifying". they are much more of a threat than measly zombies. it almost makes the once scary phenomenon minuscule and insignificant.

people have different first encounters. many, however, were from a live broadcast that aired on every technologic device.

this was in fact y/n l/n's first greeting. she still remembered the scene before her on tv of people being eaten alive. luckily the video was blurred, but it was a lot to handle. it was horrible to witness, but who could blame the broadcast? they had to get the word out of this once seemingly impossible phenomenon.

something impossible to happen had happened.

but, this was y/n's first encounter. her second encounter was far much worse.

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