*Chapter 1: Detention with a vampire

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Every edited chapters will have * in title, rest is unedited mess of my 16-17 young self.

Have fun reading

†Detention with a Vampire†

"THIS SURPRISINGLY ended well, nine A, fourteen B and one F... Well without F, that's it" profesor Lexington "the mighty" said with amusement in his eyes while Alex glared at him.

She forgot all her thoughts of him being a Greek God, he was a spawn of Satan in her eyes now. No, he was a genuine devil, instead.

How can somebody be so cruel and sexy.

She completely ignored him before biting her lip and playing with her pen. She'll admit that the guy has looks and all, but to manage to piss her off in less than one exchange of words, that showed that the two will always be on different page.

"Miss Taylor, what did I say about discipline?" he yelled making her snap out of it.

"Um, Sir, you said..." she began fear kicking in, this guy gave her off dangerous vibe of a predator. The kind that would toy with his prey before striking and killing them in one swift go.

Almost like a...

"Did I ask for your opinion?" he rudely interrupted her.

Fuck no, at least they are reasonable.

"But you just..." he just did ask her, what the hell is wrong with him?!

Is he bipolar or something?

"I am very angry at this moment, miss Taylor and you are making this even worse, so for your own sake, I would recommend you to shut up!" she flinched and lowered her head remembering what 'he' told her.

'You stupid Bitch, look what you did, now you will get it!'

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again," she mumbled, lowering her head. If you don't talk back, they can't find a reason to opress you either.

He noticed the change in her reaction which made him frown, but he decided to leave her alone with a gruff 'good'. Getting back to the board, he started his lesson while Alex just stared at her notebook with a blank expression.

'It's all his fault that I ended up like this' she thought biting her lower lip. She breathed in, just one year and she'll be done with school then she can do what the hell she wants.

She didn't really need to go to school, but she chose to do so herself. And like hell will she let her efforts go to vain for one certain asshole!

Through the whole day, she's remained silent, caught notes and paid attention when needed.

Soon, the bell for the end of last class rang and everyone started leaving, boys hurried to get away from class while girls flocked around the new professor with "I do not understand this" excuses making her snort.

What don't you understand? It's me who got F and you perfect grades, if you don't understand something, then I don't even know how to write word "chemistry".

It wasn't long before he finally got rid of them and everyone left

Everyone but her and that Satan's spawn.

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