13: just love yourself

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j u s t  l o v e  y o u r s e l f

We spoke late into the night. Ever so often, you flinched when I moved too fast and stared at me with hollow eyes as you drowned in your thoughts, or stared at the clock and sobbed while telling me you had to go. I... I had never worried so much for a person before, Kevin.

"I'm a coward," you murmured. I glanced up. Your eyes filled with tears again, and I moved to wipe them away with my thumb, liquid sadness dampening my palm. "I'm a coward who can't stand up for myself. Siyoo, I've wanted to die so many times, I've wanted to throw myself off a roof or... or drown myself in a river, but I'm a fucking coward who can't even bring myself to kill myself! I thought she would help me, but she just made me worse... Who am I anymore?"

Your despair resounded through my living room, and as I soothed you and muttered sweet nothings into your ear, you voiced one last thought: "I... I wish I could just love and accept myself. Will I ever?"

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