Tease~ (smut)

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(2nd pov)

It had been a long day for Alastor and he had just got home from working at his radio station
He opened the front doors to the hotel and walked inside closing them behind him and letting out a tired groan making his way to his and Y/n room. As he was walking up the stairs he began thinking to himself wondering what his love had been up too while he was gone, eventually making it up the stairs and down the hallway standing outside of their room as he was about to turn the door knob he heard a strange noise coming from the inside of their room he began to get curious pressing his ear against the door to hear them a bit clearer, it was silent for a moment before he heard a loud moan Come from their room and his face began heating up turning a bright red and was about to open the door to see what she was doing turning the door knob and opening the door a crack before hearing her moan his name "mmn a-Alastor~!" His face was fully red at this point feeling a bit turned on that she missed him this much he smiled widely and opened the door slamming it against the wall startaling Y/n and making her shoot up from the bed looking at him and turning red feeling a bit embarrassed and pulling the blanket over herself. "Alastor!? I-I wasn't expecting you to be back so early..?" He walked over to her standing at the side of the bed "clearly not my little dove~" he placed his hand under her chin making her look up at him "did you miss me~?" She gulped a bit looking up at him "y-yes~" "yes what dove~?" Her face began heating up before looking away from him only to have him pull her chin making her look back at him "say it~!" She bit her lip a bit "I-I missed you daddy~" he smiled hearing her say that before removing his hand from her face and slowly starts taking off his coat and unbuttoning his shirt "why don't you show daddy how much you missed him dove~?" He finished taking off his dress coat and shirt placing them on the bedside table "are you ready dove~?" She smiled and nodded her head "I am daddy~" he chuckled a bit and started unbuttoning his pants before sitting on the bed leaning back against the head board "go ahead dove do everything you've been wanting to do while I was gone~" she bit her lip and removed the blanket crawling over to him and sitting in front of him looking down at his bulge "mmn it seems like I'm not the only one who's been missing someone~" she giggled and softly rubbed against his member feeling it harden against her hand earning a soft groan from him and continuing eventually moving her hand into his pants softly stroking it in his boxers and he bit his lip letting out a slight moan "does daddy like it when I do this~?" She looked up at him smiling continuing to stroke him up and down going at a slightly faster pace "H-he does he really does dove~" "mmn does daddy want me to get straight to the point or just continue to tease him~?" "Please get to the point dove~"  she smiled and nodded her head taking out his member and leaning down licking the tip slowly "mmn yes dove just like that~" she giggled a bit and began sucking his tip continuing to stroke him up and down at the same time going deeper with every stroke* "mmph~!" He chuckled looking down at her and moving a hair from her face putting it behind her ear "Is it too much for you to handle dove~?" "N-no Daddy~!" He shook his head a bit "you know daddy doesn't like it when you lie~" she leaned up biting her lip "I-I'm not lying daddy I p-promise~!" He took her wrists into his hands holding them "if you insist darling now how about we get to the main course~?" "Y-yes please daddy~" he smiled and pulled her onto his lap lining his member in front of her entrance slowly sliding in fully and letting her adjust for a moment "okay daddy you can m-move now~" he smiled and nodded his head placing his hands on her hips thrusting into her at a slow pace earning a soft moan from her "mmn f-faster please daddy~!" He did as she said and began going faster thrusting into her harshly hitting her special spot making her moan loudly "a-Ah~! Daddy that's it right there's~!" He gripped onto her hips tightly thrusting into her like an animal repeatedly hitting her spot making her let out several loud moans and she began to feel a knot tighten in her stomach "Daddy I'm close~!" "As am I my dove~" he continued thrusting into her making her knot break releasing at the same time as him and collapsing onto his chest breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace "I love you Y/n~" she smiled softly "I love you too Alastor~"

Word count: 899
I hope y'all enjoyed this one XD

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