Dance with me~? (Fluff)

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Y/n had walked down to the living room feeling lonely and a bit sad waiting for Alastor to return home from his walk. She decided to read a book to keep her distracted eventually getting lost in it not even hearing Alastor walk into the room standing in front of her he smiled looking down at her deciding to give her a quick kiss on her forehead startling her a bit "o-oh alastor Your back~!" She smiled widely placing the book beside her before standing up and wrapping her arms around his waist hugging him tightly "I missed you~" she said looking up at him "I missed you too y/n~" he smiles looking down at her feeling happy to be back home with her before placing his hand on her lower back dipping her down "dance with me~?" She giggles and smiles a bit wider "of course~" he smiled even wider before lifting her back up and placing one of his hands on her waist still holding her other hand in his. And she placed her other hand on his shoulder as they started slow dancing "you look absolutely breathtaking y/n~" she started to feel her face heat up after he said that
"r-really~?" He chuckled at how she stuttered and  let go of her other hand placing it under her chin. "Of course you do y/n you could make any diamond look like a plain old rock" he smiled before leaning down and kissing her softly and she smiled melting into the kiss placing both her hands on his cheeks kissing for a bit longer before breaking away for air. "I love you y/n~" you laughed a bit and hopped his nose "I love you more alastor~" he smiled looking down at you "I know you do~"

Word count: 324 words

Sorry for the short chapter just didint really know what to do for it XD

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