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'That hurts Bubbles.'

'Sure Bloss, it's a harmless joke.'

'No, I mean You trying to squidge over hurts.' Blossom added to her last sentence, grimacing at her hip aching.

'Oh, haha.' Bubbles fake laughed. It was super awkward between the sisters. Further action from Boomer was unneeded but the tension was raising and even he felt uncomfortable under the presence of the two girls' death stares at each other.

'Guys, stop arguing.' He finally said, Boomer just couldn't stand it anymore, it was so suffocating that he had to say something. 

Two pairs of glowing eyes turned to Boomer, staring him down like hawks. 

'What's taking so long, if you want to kill me then do it now.' Blossom whined, the car trip was taking a long time, in a normal hostage situation the car or truck would be obliterated to pieces by now. It was different now, Blossom wanted to know who wanted her dead so much, and would pay 120k for her.

 'Blossom shut up and just be quiet will you?' Bubbles cried out, making the whole truck so quiet you'd hear a pin drop. 

'I won't, not until I understand why you're like this.' Blossom said back to Bubbles, moving her head in the way so Bubbles wouldn't be taking her anger out on Boomer.

'Fine, you wanna know? Go on, Bubbles, tell her what you originally told me.' Boomer stopped the truck and opened the door. He stepped out and slammed the truck door shut.

'Boomer doesn't really want to talk about our past times, but if you wanna know then I'll tell you. he's just uncomfortable with everything, don't mind him, he's a big baby. I know this isn't very hostage-situation of me, but you're still my sister, so what you wanna know, I'll tell you.'

Then, Bubbles told her everything.

How she had problems in art school after Blossom left home.

How she wanted to run away from home after Buttercup started to care less for her.

How Boomer convinced her that he'd go with her.

How disappointed Professor was with her when he caught them.

How Bubbles wasn't allowed to see Boomer at all for a whole year after their attempt.

How Bubbles fell into anxiety, and even though Buttercup tried to care, she didn't know how.

How being apart with Boomer let Bubbles know how much she needed him.

How they came to New York with no money and no one they knew.

How they had to resort to the bad side of the city.

How they learnt illegal things to get through day by day.

How they soon left to work by themselves.

And how much Blossom being handed over to Alejandro Sánchez would be their biggest gig yet, and how important it would be to them.

Over in Blossom's head, the only way she could react was in disgust. The world had truly twisted her innocent sister's mind, why would she ever think that doing something was the only thing she could resort to. If only Blossom could say something, if she did, she was a hypocrite. What could she say anyway? She was someone who controlled the distribution of drugs in the whole of America, what would she say? Oh, Don't do this because it's not the way to go? 

What could she say anyway, she didn't have a say in her younger sister's life.

'So how were you guys holding up right now?' Blossom had a hand on her lap and another on the seat next to her, cushioning her as she leant forward eagerly. She wanted to help Bubbles, Boomer too, now was not the time. She was well aware 'scavengers' like them didn't belong in gangs, or groups, meaning they were almost freelancers, taking any job hurled at them. Blossom pitied her younger sister, she wanted to help. How?


'Pretty sure you know who I am, but let's get you out first sucker.' Brick could see the girl speaking hesitate and freeze for a moment before she starting to talk normally as she ruffled through her hair for a bobby pin. The black-haired girl handed the bobby pin to the other girl.

'My name's Cherri. For her, she'll tell you if it matters.' The other girl stuck a thumb to point at the black-haired girl. Cherri was quick with the lock, unpicking it in seconds and moving on to the next one in a matter of moments and quick hand gestures, she was skilled in what she did.

Brick was mesmerised by her skill, but it came to an end when the door opened up.

He stepped out from his cramped position and gave a stretch. Then, he looked back at the two girls, now in better lighting. 

hi guys !! this is my offering for now, i was planning to write loads more for this chapter but could not get to doing that soon enough. i didn't plan to publish this chapter before i wrote more than 1000 since i feel so bad for leaving u guys hanging all the time then going MIA for this story !!

for now there is no other draft for me to publish or prepare but will get to doing that soon. i don't want to keep u guys waiting all the time and hope i can finish another chapter soon and get closer to finishing the story!

i originally had such high hopes for the story and the plot was gonna be so good but i guess it wasn't haha, so sorry!!

hope you guys liked this chapter and who's the mystery girl ?

-squishiipeeps ❤️

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