"i got you"

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summary: you have a breakdown due to fans commenting on your weight & tom makes sure you know your worth.

warnings: nothing but fluff & a little angst? this could possibly be a trigger for some people so be careful!!

It was another late night & tom was asleep beside you. you were looking through instagram on your phone until your phone started to blow up with notifications. you turn your ringer off so it doesn't bother tom & you look through them, seeing a photo of you at the beach recently everywhere.

you were confused because nothing special happened that day. but as soon as you read the captions & comments your heart dropped. they were all about your weight. you struggled with accepting you for who you are & being positive to your body as a teen, even as an adult you have challenges with it but you've come far in your self-love journey.

the picture was of you, looking a little bloated (and the angle was worse so it made you look bad) as you stood beside tom & a few of your other friends, laughing at a joke as you played volleyball on the beach. you never thought the picture was bad until all of these fan accounts started to point out every single flaw about you. to be attacked like that all of sudden hurt.

you scrolled through all of the comments, reading them one by one, each one breaking your heart a little more. you felt yourself starting to take shorter breaths, your heart beating a million miles an hour. that was a sign that you were about to breakdown. so you immediately took off for the bathroom.

tom was still sleeping in the bed, but his body felt the bed shift & he heard whimpers & feet shuffle out of the bedroom to the hallway. he groaned as you stretched his body, rubbing his eyes a little. he opened his eyes & was you were gone, so he slowly got up & threw on a hoodie & sweatpants & walked out to the hallway.

he walked past the bathroom & saw the light was on & assumed you were in there but didn't think of the reason why. tom walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water but as he was filling the glass, he heard more whimpers from the bathroom. he turned the tap off & walked to the bathroom door, knocking on the wood.

"y/n? are you hurt? you alright love?" he asked, noticing the lock on the door was turned so he couldn't get in.

"i-i'm fine t-tommy" you said as clear as you can, but your voice cracked slightly.

you also said tommy, the nickname for tom when you get anxious or for when something bad happened. he took notice to that & he started to get a bit more panicked now that he can't get in & you clearly weren't fine.

"love, i'm gonna need you to open the door, please" he pleaded, needing to make sure you were alright.

he just heard a few more sniffles until the lock was turned & the door opened to reveal you with tears all down your cheeks as small sobs broke from your lips. tom's heart broke at the sight of you so upset, wondering what could've triggered it.

"oh angel... c'mere" he stepped forward a bit & you wrapped your arms around his torso, hiding your face in his chest as you let out more sobs, your body shaking like crazy.

tom just held you, not too tight though because he didn't want you to feel suffocated. he rubbed your back & ran his fingers through your hair, knowing that helps calm you down.

"that's it, let it all out"

"your okay angel, i'm right here, your alright"

"i love you, your okay"

"oh angel, it's okay"

those were just some of things tom would say while he held you. after you calmed down a bit you hugged him tighter & took deep breaths.

"in & out, like what i'm doing okay, listen to my heartbeat okay? that'll keep you steady alright my love?" he whispered, kissing you head a few times.

you just nodded into his chest & tried to listen to him & his heartbeat.

"is it alright if we go back on the bed? i'll be able to hold you better there" he asked softly, not wanting to set you off again.

you silently agreed by moving your arms around his neck as he picked up your legs by your thighs, rubbing small circles with his thumbs as he walked carefully to the bed, setting you down softly before moving to lay beside you.

"c'mere" he said as he pulled you to his chest, holding you close while your head rested comfortably on his chest, taking in his cologne from the hoodie.

"do you wanna talk about what triggered this? you don't have to if you don't want to" he asked a few minutes later, trying to help.

"remember the other day when we went to the beach?" you asked him softly, your voice quiet.

"yeah i remember" he said, looking down at you.

"a picture of me looking kinda big while we were playing volleyball started spreading around & i didn't think it was that bad but the comments-" you stopped yourself, feeling like you were gonna start crying all over again.

"what were the comments like love?" tom asked, encouraging you to continue as he started to rub your back.

"they were really mean & they just- they hurt a lot. they were commenting saying how i was ugly & i was overweight & just shit like that. i don't know why they would say those things" you said, your voice starting to crack again.

"y/n, i love you & your body. there is nothing wrong with you in my eyes, you are gorgeous. your weight doesn't define you. your body is so beautiful to me, your curves, arms, thighs, legs- all of it. i know that you know that too. those people who commented that are too blind to see how beautiful you are" he said, cupping one of your cheeks in one of his hands.

"your weight doesn't matter to me. i just want you to be healthy & happy, aren't you both of those things angel?" he asked you, making you nod your head.

"then what ever comes out of those peoples mouths are irrelevant alright?" he said, kissing you softly, causing you to smile.

"i love you" he said once he pulled away, wiping a tear that fell from your eye.

"i love you too. thank you for loving me & supporting me" you said, giving him a big hug.

"i'm always gonna be here for you y/n, i got you"

i decided to add a little summary of the chapter & a warning thing at the beginning now :)

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