A New Future Awaits

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Meliodas's POV
I was sweating like crazy. Gosh who knew Hawaii was so god damn hot. I took my shirt off and threw it on the floor then continued my work. I was painting the nursery. Elizabeth wanted it to be a light blue to brighten up the room. Also it did fit well since we know we are having a boy.

"Can it get any more hot! I can feel my balls sticking to my thigh." I looked over at my 17 year old brother. He was laying on the floor wiping his forehead.

"That's kind of disgusting." I said then continued rolling the paint brush up the wall.

"Have you even started building the furniture yet? I asked you like 5 hours ago to start setting up the crib."

"It's still in the box.." he said sitting up.

"Listen if you don't want to help me can you at least go down stairs and see if Elizabeth needs help."

"Boys! I made some lunch and lemonade!" I heard my sweet calling to us from the bottom of the stairs. I put the paint roller down and wiped my hands off. Finally I'm starving! I've been non stop at it getting this nursery ready for the baby. He's due any minute now. I walked my legs down the stairs to see my gorgeous wife. She smiled at me as I came down.

"Oh gosh your all sweaty." She said and placed a hand on my forehead.

"It's really hot up there with no AC I opened all the windows but it's no use. I'm gonna have to buy another air conditioner."

Moving away to Hawaii was really hard for us. Non of us had ever been there and we weren't used to anything. Also leaving our friends was the worst. We did it to start a new life. No more hiding from cops and we can raise our baby in a safe and beautiful environment. I placed my hands on Elizabeth's stomach rubbing it to see if I could feel him kick.

"He's been kicking all day it's kind of annoying." She said.

"Thanks for making us lunch, that's really sweet of you. Did you eat?"

"Yeah I had a chicken Cesar salad. It was pretty good too." I smiled. I always made sure she was eating enough and resting enough. I wanted her to be as happy and comfortable as possible. I kissed her lips softly and ran my hands up and down her curvy sides. She kissed back and I felt her arms fall around my neck.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was just wondering if I can have seconds." Estarossa was holding up his plate.

"Jeez can you save some for me I'm hungry too." I said quickly running over to the kitchen. Elizabeth giggled at our brotherly behavior. Being away from my little brother for so long has really been hard for me. It's hard to reconnect with him some times. I love him that's why I decided to become his legal guardian. If I hadn't stepped in he would have been put in foster care. After everything he's been through he doesn't deserve that.

"Eat up there's plenty and I could also make more you don't have to fight over food." My wife went to sit on the couch.

"Also not to be bitchy but my feet are swore and my back hurts so don't get all loud and annoying you two."

"See look you got big sis all cranky!" Estarossa said.

"What?! You think I did that! Your the one taking all the food!"

"IF YOUR GOING TO FIGHT GO OUTSIDE!" Elizabeth yelled. Great now I made her mad. God damn it.

Ban's POV
"What?!" I said as I was on the phone with King. Elaine was taking a nap so I was on baby duty. I held him in the arm that wasn't holding the phone.

"Shit King I'm really sorry. Do you need us to come over?" I started hearing crying on the other end of the phone. Gosh he's really not good.

"Why are you yelling?" Elaine came into view rubbing her head. Shit I woke her up.

"King hold on I'm putting you on speaker." I clicked the button then put my phone on the table.

"Elaine? Are you there?" He spoke into the phone he was sobbing pretty hard.

"Harlequin what's going on did Diane leave you or something?" She said putting her hands on her hips.

"No, Oslo died." He couldn't help but burst out into tears. I felt really bad knowing how much Oslo meant to him. Elaine covered her mouth pretty shocked.

"I'm not gonna lie he was getting really old." I shrugged my shoulders. Elaine slapped my shoulder.

"Don't say stuff like that this isn't the time. Harlequin I'll be right over okay?"

"Okay." He said sniffling. Gosh how dramatic. I wonder if things are dramatic like this over where the captain is. Damn do I miss him.

Hello! A small start to my new book! I'm so excited and can't wait for all of you to read this! Please if you are reading this book and haven't read the first one please do so.

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