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Gelda's POV 6 years ago
"Your so cute." I pinched my boyfriends cheek. He was snuggled all up against me. There was a blanket over us and our fingers interlocked. We were sitting on the couch at his house watching a movie. His dad wasn't home and his little brother was in his room. Not that I was gonna try and be naughty with him. I couldn't do that knowing there was an 11 year old in the house.

"I'm cute? No your the cute one. Your smile, your laugh, even the way you walk it's all adorable." He wrapped his arm around my waist and laid his head down on my breasts. I blushed bright red. It was pretty inappropriate but to be honest I didn't mind that much. He wasn't a pervert or anything I think he just wanted something soft to lay on. I ran my fingers through his soft black hair. He was so sweet, always making me feel happy with his compliments.

"Your to nice." I said

"I could say the same for you." He looked up at me with those emerald green eyes. Those handsome rosy cheeks. He was just so damn cute! I can't believe he's my boyfriend.

"Gelda can I tell you something?"

"Hm?" I continued rubbing his hair.

"I know that we have only been dating for not that long and this seems crazy to say but ever since I met you my world has completely changed. I don't know if your a angel sent to me from heaven but you came at a really hard time in my life. I felt like I was nothing, like my life was worth nothing, but you saved me Gelda. You make me so happy and I just want to thank you so much for being my girlfriend. I love you."

My eyes widened...love? He loves me! That's the first time he's said he loves me! Oh boy I can feel my face getting really hot and my heart is beating 100mph! I suddenly felt tears roll down my cheeks. I can't believe this boy he really just said all that.

"Zeldris you better not be fucking around!" I said sniffling as the tears continued to roll.

"No I swear! I wouldn't lie to you I really do love you Gelda and I'll never stop loving you I promise." I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into my lips. I've never met a boy like him. He's so kind, loving, caring, sweet, handsome. He's everything I could ever ask for.

"I love you too." I said smiling brightly.

"Ehem! I think it's time for the girl to get going son." I jumped and pulled away from my boyfriend only to see his father standing behind the couch. When did he get here?! Shit I'm so embarrassed...

"Dad..I-I thought you weren't suppose to come home for another hour.." Zeldris seemed to panic. I had only met his father once and every time I mentioned his father Zeldris could get really uncomfortable and shut down. He didn't like talking about him.

"Change of plans, now you better get goin if you know what's good for you son."

"Yes father. Come on Gelda." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room to the front porch. It was dark and cold outside. All I could hear was the crickets and owls.

"What's going on?" I asked looking into his eyes. He seemed really scared all of a sudden.

"I didn't know he was gonna be here early, listen you need to leave. I'm sorry this is so sudden but you can't be here right now, it's too dangerous."

"Dangerous? Zeldris what the hell are you talking about? Are you in trouble."

"Listen please just trust me. I love you." He kissed my cheek and shoved me away to my car. What the fuck? He's never acted like that before. I felt a little sad because I had to leave so suddenly without an explanation. I hope my baby is okay.

Zeldris POV
"Dad I'm sorry!" I held up my hands scared he was gonna hit me.

"Didn't I tell you she can't come around here! I don't want her in my house! Give me your phone." My eyes widened oh no.

"My phone? Why do you need my phone?!" I started panicking. He grabbed my arms squeezing it hard and then got into my face.

"I said give me your phone." Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Estarossa looking at us. He was holding his teddy and rubbing his eyes. He must have woke up from his nap.

"Dad please stop your scarring Estarossa!" I said and then went to push my father off of me. He growled and grabbed me by my throat. He pushed me into the wall and with his free hand grabbed my phone. He finally let me go and then started looking through my texts.

"The fuck is this?" He said holding up a dick pic I had sent to her. I sent it like the first week we started dating and Meliodas told me that's how you pick up chicks so I tried it and she blocked me... that's not the point eventually I worked it out but gosh was this embarrassing. I blushed bright red and looked away.

"Dad stop." I said and went to grab my phone from him but he slapped my hand away.

"What are you a faggot now?!"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about I sent those to Gelda."

He started to dials Geldas number and that's when I lost it. I went to grab the phone but he kicked me hard in the place where it hurt worst. I fell to the floor and yelled holding myself.

"Zel!" My brother came over to my aid.

"Hey baby what happened I don't understand why I had to leave?"

"This is his father, stay away from my son you worthless slut. Next time I see you with him you will never see him again." He hung up then whipped my phone right at my back. I squealed from the harsh pain and started crying. No how could he do this to me. Why is this happening to me!!!! Gelda I'm so sorry.

Guys what do you think is happening right now? Do you still hate Zeldris? Let me know!

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